Spinal Operation Preparation And Recovery Tips To Know

6 Min Read


When your doctor suggests a surgical procedure as the best or only option, you may experience panic and despair. There is also apprehension about the outcome and whether everything will turn out fine. Still, if that?s the right thing to do, you have no other option but to get ready and prepare for it. That way, you?ll help both yourself and your surgeon, which is extremely important.

Needless to say, not all surgeries are the same. They vary in terms of length and complexity, just to mention these two elements. Among those most complicated ones, a spinal operation is definitely one of the most feared and there are many good reasons for that. On the other hand, there is quite a lot you can do to ensure you have a smooth procedure and fast recovery.

Get as much physical activity as possible

The mere fact you need a spinal surgery means your physical abilities are limited, but you should definitely try to get as much activity as possible. Of course, make sure you consult your surgeon about the nature of such activities. This is particularly important if you?re overweight since it will improve your recovery. Also, being physically active means you?re less likely to suffer from a blood clot or circulation issues.

Learn about the procedure

Some people want to know as little as possible about the procedure and that?s quite understandable. They fear they might start panicking and perhaps even cancel the surgery. However, that?s not a good idea. Doing your homework will help you feel more confident about the diagnosis, your surgeon and the procedure. Today we are privileged to have an opportunity to actually watch original video clips, such as Dr Timothy Steel surgery videos, and see what we are about to go through. The more we know, the better prepared we?ll be.

Avoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

You should stop taking ibuprofen, naproxen, and aspirin at least a week before the surgery. The reason is simple: these medications thin our blood, which means our surgery will be riskier. There are also other drugs, such as heart medication and supplements, like omega-3 fatty acids, which can have the same effect. So, make sure you consult with your surgeon about any therapy you?re taking.

Be prepared for what?s to follow

Your preparation for the surgical procedure should include getting mentally ready for the recovery period. You may wake up feeling groggy and/or nauseous and you can experience muscle pain and sore throat. These are all normal symptoms and you shouldn?t stress about them too much. You?ll be given meds to relieve the pain and discomfort and encouraged to start moving as soon as possible. While chances are you?ll feel week, it?s important to try to make a few steps, since that will aid your body?s functions to return to normal.

Organize the post-surgery period

You need to understand that in the period following your spinal operation you won?t be able to take care of all your commitments straight away. That?s why you need to use the preparation period to organize them. In short, you should arrange time away from work and not schedule any private commitments for some time. If you?re living alone, you?d better have a friend or family member pick up your mail, water your plants or take your dog for a walk during your stay in hospital. Finally, make sure all your bills are paid on time.

Don?t expect miracles

One of the most important things to be aware of is that spinal surgery is a complicated procedure that can help you feel much better, but it won?t make all your health problems disappear. A lot depends on how well prepared you are for the surgery, whether the procedure goes according to the plan and how seriously you take the recovery. If you turn (back) to an unhealthy lifestyle, you simply won?t be able to enjoy all the benefits of the surgery.


If a spinal operation is what the doctor demands or suggests as the best option, you really have to take it seriously. Listen to your surgeon?s advice and follow their orders to the letter. That will help you recover better and faster and they will be able to do the best they can. Consequently, with the results of the surgery constantly getting better, there?s no reason why you shouldn?t be back to your old self quickly.

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By Ashley
Ashley is an award-winning writer who discovered her passion in providing creative solutions for building brands online. Since her first high school award in Creative Writing, she continues to deliver awesome content through various niches.
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