Struggling With Anxiety? Here Are 4 Tips For Managing It

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Shutterstock Photo License - Fabrik Bilder

Anxiety is one of the most common disorders people are dealing with, as there are many triggers around us. Globally, there are 45.82 million recorded cases of anxiety disorders, and the trend has significantly increased since 1990. This condition is known for causing feelings of uneasiness, worrying, and fear, and the symptoms can be mild or severe.

Anxiety disorders can have a big impact on your quality of life. There are various explanations for anxiety, from your parents’ inherited genes to external triggers around you. Either way, it’s not pleasant and can negatively impact your life if it’s not controlled, so here are some tips to help you manage anxiety.

Aim for a healthy lifestyle

You’ve heard about this advice many times, but if you take care of your body and listen to its needs, you’ll change your life. Analyze your lifestyle and find what’s stopping you from having a healthy lifestyle, like not enough physical activity, eating foods that are not good for you or even having the wrong people in your life. If you can identify what’s missing, try creating new habits to help you reach your goal.

For example, if you’d like to exercise more and start working out, you can have a 10-minute walk in the park each day and slowly increase the time and pace day by day. If you’d like to try more healthy and nutritious foods, choose a day in the week when you’ll cook a new recipe. In time, you’ll look forward to adding new healthy practices to your life and having routines will help you manage the anxiety of not taking advantage of your time.

Lastly, look at the people around you. Sometimes, friends and family can make an impactful difference in your mental health, so observe your behavior when you’re around them. Are you comfortable talking to them or struggling to impress them in order to feel seen and heard? Even if it sounds cruel, cutting people from your life is sometimes the best thing you could do for yourself.

Have energy-boosting snacks on hand

Anxiety can affect people in different ways, but the most common symptoms include weakness, tiredness and lack of energy. When you’re feeling weak and not in the mood to do anything it’s good to have a healthy snack around to provide your body with  some nutrients and boost your energy levels. For example, if you’re usually having coffee at work, you could try changing your beverage and purchase CBD drink wholesale, so you know you’ll always have something to drink when feeling nervous. Buying in bulk benefits you financially and can also help with having something healthy to rely on in those weak moments.

On the other hand, if you’d like something to sweeten your tea with or eat by itself, getting CBD honey wholesale is the right choice for you. Honey is known to improve immunity and reduce stress levels, and you can add honey to almost any drink or food to make it tasty. Along with this natural sugar, CBD is also an effective treatment for numerous types of anxiety disorders, and it offers many other health benefits (pain relief, can benefit heart health and may improve sleep quality).

Techniques for anxiety relief

If you’re looking for something to help you relieve stress quickly, you could try some techniques or practice daily to develop inner peace and serenity. For example, you could try focusing on your breathing. How to do that? Breathe deeply for a few minutes, then scan your body and look for the part of your body where you’re feeling the tension. You might notice something in your chest or stomach most of the time. This can help connect your body with your mind and release any physical pressure.

Another technique involves mindfulness meditation. This practice has to be done somewhere quiet, where you can sit down relaxed and observe how your thoughts are wandering around. Many researchers promote meditation’s benefits for anxiety symptoms because it helps you anchor in the present and not worry about the past or future. You could combine this method to daily journaling. 

Common triggers

Anxiety can be triggered by numerous factors in your life, from the food you eat to the environment you’re working in. In order to avoid them, you need to start analyzing your life and look at your body’s reaction to these triggers. For example, one of the most known causes of anxiety is coffee. Even if you think you need it to be productive, too much caffeine in your body doesn’t produce energy anymore because your tolerance level changes in time and the effects won’t be beneficial anymore. There are a few more common triggers that you can look into, such as:

  • Self-neglect. We talked about aiming for a healthy lifestyle at the beginning of the article because the negative effects of not taking care of your body are more serious than you’d think. Skipping meals, staying up late, and eating unhealthy food are anxiety triggers, and you can change them by gradually modifying your daily habits.
  • Stressful work environment. Even if sometimes it’s normal to feel anxious about tasks or understanding new concepts, it shouldn’t feel like this every day. If you’re worrying all the time about work, your anxiety will be triggered any time before your shift, whether you’re constantly irritated, losing interest in your work or having trouble sleeping.
  • Conflicts. This factor can be more challenging to manage because it might come from a place of trauma. You can identify this trigger by observing your behavior when you’re sensing a possible conflict around you or you’re about to argue with someone. Are you starting to sweat, panic, or become avoidant to dodging any dispute? Then you might want to be up-front about it and resolve this issue.

In conclusion, there are many things you can do to relieve anxiety and feel better. It all starts with acknowledging what’s not working in your life and working towards changing it. All these tips are helpful, but if none of them are helping, try contacting a mental health provider who can help you overcome these challenges.

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