The Best Tips For Treating Your Skin During All Decades Of Your Life

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No matter if you’re just fresh out of high school or if you have a few decades under your belt, it’s never too early or too late to start caring for your skin. If you want to look amazing during all decades of your life, here’s a little guide that will make your skin look radiant and healthy no matter on what part of your life journey you are today.

20s and 30s

The early twenties are the best time to develop healthy habits that will allow you to preserve your youthful glow far into the future. However, since your twenties also tend to be quite wild, you have to be careful how you treat your skin both from the outside and the inside. For instance, one thing you simply must do is dedicate your life to sunscreen application. Do this religiously every time you leave the house and you will significantly improve your chances of looking amazing in the decades to come.

Since your puberty is over finally, you’ll start to notice some dryness in your later twenties and early thirties. This means you’ll have to boost your moisturizing game and give your face a fighting chance. However, make sure to keep your skin nurtured from the inside as well. A proper diet filled with antioxidants will keep your skin clear and firm. Foods full of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin C and E (think fatty fish, avocados and nuts) are also great to introduce to your diet.

30s and 40s

If you’ve been diligent with diet and sunscreen, you most like won’t see any drastic changes in your skin in your thirties. However, this is also a decade in life that holds many challenges when it comes to family life, career and children which means a lot of stress that can affect your skin. Make sure to get plenty of rest and try to practice meditation and yoga that will get all the toxins out of your body.

In the early forties, your complexion might start to look a little dull and you might start noticing some more stubborn wrinkles. If your imperfections can’t be fixed with any moisturizers and creams, you can turn to professionals and have a corrective treatment.

Today, having work done is not a taboo anymore, especially when you don’t even need to have surgery. There are amazing salons that deal in cosmetic beauty where you can get dermal fillers, injectable skin boosters and anti-wrinkle shots that will remove some of those hard lines from your face. Professionally-performed facials can also boost the look of your skin and make it look plump and fresh.

40s and 50s

This is the time where you beach vacations will take their toll. You’ll begin to see some cumulative sun damage to the skin as well as some more sagging due to collagen loss. However, aside from using stronger moisturizers and anti-aging creams, you can also boost your exercise and diet. Good nutrition and physical activity will help boost your cell regeneration and slow down the aging process. Plus, sweating is great for flushing toxins from your body which will give you healthier and glowing skin.

50s and 60s

Many women make a big mistake here and choose to neglect their skincare routine in their fifties and sixties. However, it’s never too late to prevent some damage and slow down the progression of your skin aging. The biggest change you’ll notice during this time is how slow your cell turnover is which will result in significant changes in your skin and cause dryness and dullness. Pores are more visible and lines don’t disappear when you stop smiling. However, there are strong anti-aging creams that can help with keeping your skin healthy, as well as treatments that will reduce hyperpigmentation and laser works that can remove spider veins.


At this point, it’s best to focus on providing your skin with nutrients that will defend it from further damage. There are various serums with age-delaying ingredients like peptides, growth proteins and antioxidants you can try. You can also try to replenish your skin with moisture by taking regular baths and grabbing a humidifier for your home. Make sure to have your skin examined for any cancerous changes that can damage your health as well.


If you set aside a few minutes every day to nurture your skin and if you feed it well with healthy foods, you’ll look amazing no matter what decade of your life you’re in.

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By Ashley
Ashley is an award-winning writer who discovered her passion in providing creative solutions for building brands online. Since her first high school award in Creative Writing, she continues to deliver awesome content through various niches.
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