The Health Benefits of a Standing Desk

7 Min Read
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With the onset and continuing effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, an increasing number of Americans are working from home and spending an increasing portion of their day sitting in a stationary position. Unfortunately, this trend carries many negative health outcomes. For anyone who’s working at home, or for anyone with an open workspace, an adjustable standing desk is a fantastic option for reducing the adverse effects of your habits at work. They can also increase the flexibility of your workspace and help you make room for other home office treadmill or fitness machine solutions.

A high-quality standing desk is easy to customize based on your height and how you currently use your normal desk. Easy to adjust the height for both the desk surface and your monitor helps you create a work environment with optimal ergonomics that keep you on your feet. And if you’re feeling like it’s time to sit down again, you can easily adjust the desk into a suitable position, so you won’t need to worry about carrying over all your stuff to a new desk. You might be surprised at how comfortable these setups are for full-time work.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the features of the standing desk that support your health and wellness by changing your workplace routines. If you feel like you’re spending too much of the stay in a seated position, or if your monitor or chair is causing back problems, it might be time to search for an upgrade for your space. Here are a few of the key benefits you’ll find with almost any standing desk.

Burn Calories & Lose Weight

Although you aren’t necessarily moving while working at a standing desk, you’ll still be able to burn calories at a much higher rate than you would while seated. Some studies have shown that working at a standing desk for a single afternoon can burn up to an additional 170 calories compared with your old work habits. Building time into your routine to work in a standing position each afternoon will therefore allow you to burn close to a thousand calories per week while working. In many ways, this makes the time you’re spending at work even more efficient.

The increased rate at which you’re burning calories while working at a standing desk can also support healthy weight loss practices, which can, in turn, improve your overall wellness and body positivity. The ability to burn additional calories while at work while utilizing your muscles makes the standing desk a considerable upgrade for many workspaces, whether you’re at home or in the office.

Better Posture & Reduced Back Pain

Another key benefit to working at a standing desk is the potential improvement to your back and neck posture. In a normal seated posture, it can be tricky to find the right ergonomic position for your back and neck. Because you’re normally in a seated position where the rest of the body is relaxed, it’s easy to get comfortable with a position that isn’t optimal for these key muscles and joints. Most of the time, the most common issue for working in a seated position occurs when you’re looking down at your computer monitor. This negatively affects your neck posture, which can lead to other health problems in the future. The separate adjustability of the desk surface and the monitor stand on your standing desk allows you to find a work position that ultimately helps you improve your posture and reduce upper and lower back pain.

Keep The Blood Flowing

Working in a standing position can improve your circulation and reduce your risk for blood clots and other similar health conditions. You’ll likely feel more energized in the later parts of the day, particuarly as you make working at a standing desk more of a habit. Related to this, spending more time working on your feet also improves heart health. You might be surprised at how much you’d need to exercise after working in a seating position for eight hours to catch up to the heart health of someone who spends a few hours each day at a desk where they can work standing.

Boost Your Mood

Working at a standing desk carries more than just physical health benefits. It can also help increase your energy levels, boosting your mood and increasing overall satisfaction with your day. You’ll simply feel healthier, which can improve your confidence. This extra mood boost might show up in meetings with your clients and coworkers, which will reflexively improve your work relationships and connections. Working at a standing desk supports your mental health in this manner, increasing positive thinking and even reducing the effects of conditions like depression.

Increase Productivity

The final key benefit to working at a standing desk is an increase in your productivity and work performance. The boosts that working at a standing desk provides for circulation, calorie burn, and mood ultimately increase your energy for getting things done. For many standing desk users, this is often the most surprising health benefit that you’ll find with this addition to your home or office workspace.

Conclusion- The Health Benefits of Standing Desk

A standing desk can improve your overall health and wellness, in addition to boosting your mood and reducing your risk of back pain and other more threatening conditions. If you’re working from home, you can easily order a standing desk online and experience the benefits of a workspace that prioritizes your fitness and health. Standing desks can easily be adjusted to fit the individual, so you won’t have to worry about working in an uncomfortable position. You may even find that this workstation setup increases your productivity and inspires you to achieve more than you might when you’re simply sitting at your desk.

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James is a freelance writer and blogger. He loves to write on wellness, tech and E-Health.
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