Top 5 Posts on HealthWorks Collective [August]

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HealthWorks Collective is about bringing together the brightest minds in Health Care and Health Administration. Our goal is to offer a platform to share ideas, experiences, and skills with a community that shares that passion. We receive dozens of contributions from the best in the industry every day. To make sure you didn’t miss out, here’s a look at the top 5 posts on HealthWorks Collective for August!

1. Why Google’s Symptom Search Is Going to Revolutionize Healthcare:


Google’s new Symptom Search is a big step forward for patients in search of health-related information online — but what does it mean for the future of healthcare analytics? Read more…

2. Telehealth: How Companies are Managing Employees’ Mental Health:

Untreated mental illness, such as depression, cost employers in America about $44 billion annually in lost workplace productivity. Fortunately, employers across America are turning to electronic mental health services to remedy this situation. Read more…

3. How to engage your patients on social media – without violating HIPAA!

No business can afford to go without a social media presence in today’s competitive market, and your healthcare practice is no exception. But unlike the local movie theater or candy store, your healthcare practice has a big hurdle to jump when using this powerful marketing tool: HIPAA compliance. Read more…

4. Zebras and oxpeckers: Why resident physicians and social media need each other:

In today’s complex healthcare jungle, a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship is beginning to form between resident physicians and social media platforms such as blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Doximity, and LinkedIn. Read more…

5. How Financial Barriers are Slowing Down Telehealth Adoption:

Telehealth is revolutionizing the doctor-patient relationship, but there are significant barriers involved with widespread adoption. The financial side of telehealth might be more cost effective for patients, but doctors are struggling with implementation for financial reasons. Read more…

  You could be featured here next month! HealthWorks Collective is always looking for new contributors to share their knowledge on Health Care and Health Administration. Just click here for instructions on how to get started!

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