Treating Dental Anxiety With Natural Remedies Like CBD

5 Min Read


CBD, the non-psychoactive compound in cannabis, has been touted recently as a health cure-all. Although there is limited scientific data available, initial reports seem to confirm that it is effective at treating anxiety. As many as one-quarter of dental patients report some level of anxiety when visiting the dentist, but many prefer a natural remedy. It?s possible you could benefit from a dose of CBD to manage anxiety before a dental procedure. Users report it can also lessen pain and inflammation associated with dental procedures and treatments.

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one of about 100 chemical compounds called cannabinoids derived from the hemp or cannabis plants. CBD will not deliver the euphoric ?high? often associated with cannabis.

CBD oil is extracted from plants and taken orally by consumers in capsules, sprays, gummies, and oil extracts. Some of these forms can be mixed into various types of tinctures, gels, capsules, or creams.

Depending on the form you take, CBD is bioavailable at higher or lower levels. Bioavailability is a measurement of how effective a compound is and how long the effects last. Some forms work faster than others. Spray and oil get into the bloodstream quickly through your mucous membranes, while food products like gummies can take an hour or more to start working because they work their way through your digestive system.

A common dosage for anxiety

It?s critical to choose a product that notes exactly how much CBD oil is in it. When the manufacturer is willing to print the potency and amount of CBD that is in the product, it’s more likely to be accurate. Recommended dosage varies by delivery method and bioavailability, but a typical adult dosage for dental anxiety is 15-30 milligrams of CBD oil swallowed in a capsule.

Using any type of supplement or natural product involves risks, because the industry isn?t regulated as closely as food and medications. Be aware and careful when purchasing CBD products.

Laws governing CBD vary by state, so it?s important to know what the law is where you live. Cannabis is banned on a federal level, but hemp products (including CBD) are legal under the Agricultural Act of 2014 which protects U.S. farmers, manufacturers, and sellers that grow and distribute hemp products to the public. It is legal to buy CBD oil extracted from hemp in all U.S. states, regardless of state laws regarding cannabis.

Tell your dentist and ask your doctor

Before you try any supplements that could interact with other medications or conditions, always consult a doctor. Tell your dentist that you intend to take CBD oil or any supplement before a procedure.

Discuss any supplement that can impact your dental health with your a local holistic dentist. There is evidence that chewing sugar-free gum sweetened with xylitol is an effective way to cut down on tooth decay and discoloration as a result of dry mouth. The natural sweetener keeps cavity-causing bacteria from growing on your teeth, stopping the decay process in its tracks.


Anxiety keeps many people away from their regularly scheduled dental visits. But avoidance can lead to advancing disease, which leads to more painful procedures. Your dental health is a snapshot of your overall well-being, so if your mouth isn?t healthy, your health is likely suffering too.

The first step to tackling dental anxiety is to go to the dentist regularly. Choose a dentist who is skilled at dealing with dental phobias and is willing to practice with compassion. Ask a lot of questions about the procedures and tell the dentist what works for you.

Dentists have a broad set of tools to draw from for distracting you from your fear. Some use movies, music, hypnosis, or therapy dogs to pull your focus away from the fear. Try each one individually and in combination with CBD as a natural alternative.

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