Try These 6 Great Marketing Tips For Your Dental Practice

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Getting new clients and retaining the existing ones in your dental practice can appear to be a difficult task especially if you aren’t using (or maybe not sure of) the right dentist marketing tools to earn you the traffic you need.

Though good reputation and solid years of experience play a significant role in ensuring a thriving dental practice, combining these with several other marketing tools helps to provide an effective marketing plan and more rewarding business.

However, things get even easier when you have a well-designed and robust practice website in place. This success is because the site, in most cases, acts as the first point of contact with your clients. Hence, you need to make it as detailed as possible.  And, it must also be professional and navigable.

Ready for a big change?

Below are the six most effective dental practice marketing tips you can use to elevate your practice.

Write blog posts for your practice website to draw organic traffic

As mentioned above, your site is most likely the place where you’ll first get to interact with your potential clients. So, what exactly brings them to your site and keeps them there? It’s fantastic content that’s informative and consistent.

Regularly updating your practice’s blog with fresh and relevant content, helps build trust among your potential and already acquired clients. Blogging is also an excellent way to show your passion and expertise in the practice, thus becoming the go-to dentist whenever the patients require dental services.

Blogging is by far one of the most powerful marketing tools out there. Moreover, it’s one which you can use to drive traffic to your site.

However, guest blogging is even more effective when it comes to getting quality traffic since you get to link your site to more authoritative and influential websites. As a result, this effort can earn you enormous traffic when readers flock to your site for more of your content. Once the readers are “home,”  you need to keep them hooked with new content regularly.

Personalized email marketing

Ever wondered why some people (or maybe yourself, as well) don’t subscribe or entrust their email addresses to a site? Let’s be honest. The majority of people hate spammy emails, which in most cases turn out to be irrelevant.

However, personalizing your marketing emails works the magic of catching the attention of your patients and potential patients. Once engaged, you lure them into reading the entire message. This tip is especially useful when you address them by name.

Email personalization is also a great tool when it comes to trust-building. So, ensure that you always share helpful information in the emails you send out. Of course, also include backlinks to your practice’s website.

In most cases, this marketing tool works more effectively when you have a segmented patient list as this greatly helps to remain relevant with regard to the messages you send out to patients.

Collecting subscription forms to convert inquiries/book consultations

When patients subscribe to your services

or newsletters, it means they trust you have a solution to their problem.

In most cases, they’ll take advantage of the subscription forms to air their concerns and queries. This opportunity is a plus to your practice as you can take the chance to invite them for consultations or additional services. Just ensure that you fully address their needs to boost their confidence in your services. By doing so, you will earn an improved reputation that will attract more patients.

Using chatbots to assist site users 24/7

Chatbots are the future of marketing and are already here! Therefore, you should consider adding them to your marketing tool belt if you’re planning for the continued growth of your dental practice. Other than being cost-effective, chatbots also help improve customer experience. Plus, they increase customer engagement while increasing your conversion rate.

Most important is the fact that chatbots save you time while enabling you to attend to your patients’ concerns and queries at any time of the day. For instance, you don’t have to wake up in the middle of the night to set an appointment with a patient; instead, the chatbot will handle the task.

Indeed, the app can even handle trickier questions by providing the user with a link for reference in your site. Prompt communication is the only way out to win the hearts of your patients, and so ensure you incorporate chatbots in your communication platforms. This could be your website, Facebook or WhatsApp – whichever works best for you.

Engaging social media plan

Social media carries a wave of users with it and so creating and maintaining a great Facebook page (or any other social media page) will ensure your practice stays in constant contact with your patients.

Most of the social media platforms come with unique features including messenger and video features to help you engage and respond effectively to your patients’ queries. And as you know, satisfied clients will always spread the good news to others by either word of mouth or through the positive reviews that they leave on your page. This engagement, in turn, helps win over the potential clients looking for dental services online.

The Takeaway

Marketing may seem like a tough nut to crack for any dentist, but the truth is that it isn’t. Choose the right marketing tools like consistent blogging for your site, guest blogging, using personalized email campaigns, the use of chatbots and social media. These are some of the most effective tools to ensure you remain relevant while also driving traffic to your practice.

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Deborah Tayloe is a full-time freelance writer and blogger. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in English from the Edinboro University of Pennsylvania. She enjoys combining her 25+ years of marketing and sales management with blogging.
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