Varicose Veins Prevention: 3 Lifestyle Changes to Make Right Now

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We have talked at length about some of the common causes of leg pain that might be affecting you. You might be suffering from overuse injuries, arthritis or a number of other problems. However, there is another common leg disorder worth being aware of – varicose veins.

Varicose veins are a common condition among adults in the United States. In fact, 40 million people have them and they mostly affect women.

That is why there are now many doctors across the states specializing in vein health. From small quaint cities like Oregon and Sedona to big cities like Houston and Orlando, vein specialists can now easily eliminate your varicose veins in less than an hour.

However, even though these treatments are easily accessible, it is worth noting that without proper vein care, your varicose vein can still reoccur. There are a lot of hidden dangers with varicose veins, so you will want to get prompt treatment before they get worse.

So, to help you prevent this scenario, we have listed a few lifestyle changes that you can easily make right now.

Keep an Active Lifestyle

If you have suffered from varicose veins before, then you probably already knew that being inactive for too long can worsen your varicose veins.

There are also cases wherein patients got varicose veins due to their inactive lifestyle, despite having no family history of experiencing them.

Taking all of these into account, the very first thing that you should reconsider changing is your exercise or workout routine. If you do not have one, then it might be best to start creating one now. A simple workout routine would not only keep your veins healthy but would also maintain your overall health.

But, when you do this, you have to take into account that moderation is the key when it comes to vein health.

Once you finally decide to create a workout routine, try to stick to light and low-impact exercise and avoid intense workouts. This way, you would not be overstraining your muscles and veins too much. Besides, low-impact exercises are much more sustainable and easier to maintain in the long run.

Practice Portion Control

Family history used to be the common reason why people have varicose veins in the first place. But, nowadays, many patients are still suffering from varicose veins even without them.

One of the reasons why is because adults are now gaining excessive weight more than ever. These excessive weights, in turn, put too much pressure on your veins, damaging them and causing them to bulge on the surface of your skin.

In order to prevent gaining too much weight, you should be more consistent with your meals and try to plan them as much as you can. This way, it would be much easier for you to practice portion control on your meals. Because while starting a diet is not that difficult, being consistent in the long run is not that easy as well.

With that said, do not rush and suddenly make any drastic changes in your everyday meals. It is perfectly fine to only make gradual changes so long as you are making progress and staying consistent.

In doing so, try to avoid consuming too much sodium while you are at it. Some experts suggest that too much sodium in your body can cause you to retain too much fluid, which can in turn make you more prone to varicose veins. So while you are practicing your portion control, try to minimize your sodium intake as well. This way, you can prevent varicose veins from reoccurring.

Do Routine Check-Ups

The best way to keep your legs healthy and prevent varicose veins is to maintain your overall health. Remember that as much as you take care of your vein health, it would be ineffective if you do not take care of your mind, body, and wellness.

That is why many vein doctors would also encourage you to take your routine check-ups as much as you can. This way, if you experience any symptoms of health complications, it would be much easier to treat them.

There have been some cases wherein a patient’s varicose veins are an underlying symptom of a much bigger problem.

Without any other medical professional to give you advice, you would not be able to figure out in time that your varicose vein is only an underlying symptom of a serious medical problem.

So even though regular checkups with a vein doctor are still crucial to prevent varicose veins, a holistic view would provide a much bigger picture as to how you can better prevent varicose veins from reoccurring.

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Andy Lurie is an accomplished, results-oriented marketing professional with strong experience in marketing, advertising, brand positioning, event, and promotion management. With expertise in the healthcare industry, specifically focused on workflow optimization.
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