For the Visual Learners: Home-Grown Infographic Compares Popular Bipolar Apps

3 Min Read

Did you notice that even the more high-brow papers now have bullet points on the sides of the articles, and some sort of visual appended? Seems that actually reading through a piece in its entirety–perhaps even in one sitting–may have gone by the wayside in this day of immediate access, ADD, and Macs that can keep 201 screens open at once.

So let me assume for the moment that, engrossing and gripping as my material is, I’m sure, my readers engage in some glossy-eyed skimming, as well.

I forgive you. But I wouldn’t want you to miss you out.

Did you notice that even the more high-brow papers now have bullet points on the sides of the articles, and some sort of visual appended? Seems that actually reading through a piece in its entirety–perhaps even in one sitting–may have gone by the wayside in this day of immediate access, ADD, and Macs that can keep 201 screens open at once.

So let me assume for the moment that, engrossing and gripping as my material is, I’m sure, my readers engage in some glossy-eyed skimming, as well.

I forgive you. But I wouldn’t want you to miss you out.

Last week I did a series on mood tracking, “There’s a Bipolar App For That”, the first cleverly titled Part I, and the second. . .well, you can guess.

Enthralled as I am by infographics I looked high and low for something to represent the material visually, and found nothing.

This left me with little choice but to take matters in my own hands–and have my daughter create one.

So here’s a Venn diagram of three of the top mood tracking apps, Optimism, T2 Mood Tracker, and CTH Mood Tracker.

But I can’t promise this for every post. Sometimes in life, you just have to read.

Home-Grown Infographic: Compare/Contrast 3 Top Mood Tracking Apps

Filed under: Bipolar Disorder, Living With Mood Disorders, Mental Health, Social Media     

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