8 Ways to Get Natural Relief from Toothache

Tired of painful toothaches? Check out these 8 easy and natural remedies to provide relief quickly!

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Have you ever wondered how people from the 1800s relieve pain? Is there a natural way to relieve pain?

We experience pain from time to time such as stomach pains, neck pains, shoulder pains, and headaches. Toothaches is very common among kids and adults. But whether it is mild or sharp, a toothache is difficult to ignore. Adults can drink over-the-counter medication to relieve the pain, but dentists may apply sealants and fluoride to children’s teeth

Toothache is one of the most difficult pains you can ever feel. It can range from mild irritation to severe or agonizing pain. Sometimes, the pain is too unbearable that you feel your whole body is aching as well.

In severe cases, a toothache can cause swelling in your face, which can also affect your head. If the pain is too severe, it is good to check with your dentist to get proper medication. But can you get natural relief from toothache? In this article, we’ll deep dive into the 8 most natural ways to alleviate toothache.

What is Tooth Pain?

Toothache is the pain in and around your teeth, usually caused by tooth decay. It comes and goes constantly depending on how healthy your teeth are. Hot and cold drinks may also trigger sharp, tingling pain in your teeth and gums.

Toothache can last for a few hours and even days. Minor toothaches triggered by gum irritation can cause mild pain that can go away when you drink a pain reliever. However, serious toothache caused by broken teeth, pulp infection, or other problems may require medical intervention. 

What causes toothache?

There are many causes of toothache. Major toothaches are caused when the innermost layer of the tooth called the dental pulp becomes inflamed. Since it is made of sensitive nerves and blood vessels, you will feel a sharp pain that doesn’t disappear right away. Dental pulp inflammation can be triggered by tooth decay, cracked tooth, lose or broken fillings, receding gums, or periapical abscesses.

However, there are other conditions that can cause pain like toothache, even if the pulp is not affected such as the following:

  • Gum ulcers
  • Sore or swollen gums around a wisdom tooth that is breaking through
  • Sinusitis
  • An injury to the joint that attaches to the jaw and skull

So, is there a way that you can avoid toothache? The quick answer is yes. Just follow the tips below. 

  • Practice good oral hygiene. 
  • Floss at least once daily to remove any debris in between your teeth.
  • Brush your teeth for 2 minutes at least twice daily. 
  • Use mouthwash in the morning after waking up. 
  • Visit your dentists for regular checkups and cleanings twice a year.

To further protect your precious teeth from decaying, you should minimize eating the following food:

  • Citrus
  • Bread
  • Sour candies
  • Potato chips
  • Carbonated drinks

Home Remedies for Toothache

Some toothaches can go on their own. For example, temporary irritation in the gum can be resolved within a few days. If the pain doesn’t go away, you can try the following toothache remedies at the home.

Hot and Cold Therapy

Hot and cold therapy is one of the most effective home remedies that help alleviate pain. For example, hot therapy can help relieve arthritis pain. You can also put either a hot or cold ice pack on your head to reduce headaches.

However, when you’re having a toothache, we recommend only using cold therapy. Applying heat to your face while your teeth feel very painful can lead to infection and cause more swelling around your jaw.

Instead, get an ice bag and fill it with ice. Put it on the painful area for 20-minute periods. A cold compress helps numb the pain by removing the gas that could have been trapped in your teeth. As the escapes, the pressure on your teeth eases out and the pain slowly will slowly subside.

Anti-Inflammatory Medication

Anti-inflammatory medication and over-the-counter medicines are effective toothache remedies. Non-steroidal medicines like ibuprofen, naproxen, and aspirin can help stop the pain. Most pain relievers can be taken in 4 hours intervals so that means, if you’ve taken a pain reliever at 5 pm and the pain comes back, you can take it again after 4 hours.

Just a friendly tip, do not give kids under the age of 16 aspirin as it could have adverse effects. Instead, you can use Tylenol. If it is your first time experiencing a toothache, you can consult a dentist to give you the right pain medication. Sometimes, what works for other people will not work for you. Otherwise, you may need to try on some pain relievers and see which one can effectively relieve the pain.

TENS machine

TENS machine can help reduce toothache pains as its electrical pulses through the skin. These mild electrical pulses can release endorphins and other substances to produce natural painkillers in your body that help drive the pain away. It is the most natural toothache relief that does not involve taking strong pain relievers, which could affect vital organs in your body.

Saltwater Rinse

Saltwater can loosen debris between your teeth and can act as a disinfectant. If your toothache is caused by gum or pulp inflammation, this could help relieve the pain. Just stir ½ teaspoon of salt into a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth for at least 30 seconds. Then you can spit the water out.

Peppermint Tea Bag

 Peppermint tea bags can be used to numb toothaches and soothe sensitive gums. The key is to cool the tea bag a little bit before applying it to the affected area. You can put it in the freezer for a couple of minutes to chill it. 

Peppermint is not only fragrant. It has essential oils like menthol, menthone, and limonene that help produce a cooling effect on your skin. It can penetrate your skin to your aching tooth, helping alleviate its pain.

Clove Oil

Clove has been utilized to treat toothaches throughout history. It contains a natural antiseptic called eugenol that helps kill bacteria in your teeth and alleviate pain. To use this approach, you can dilute 15 drops of clove oil with one ounce of sunflower or jojoba oil. Dab a small amount of diluted oil on a cotton ball and apply it on the affected area a few times daily until the pain is gone. Another option is to add a small drop of clove oil into a small glass of water and make a mouthwash.


You may think that garlic is just another ingredient in your favorite food. But garlic also has some healing benefits for your aching tooth. For many years, garlic has been used by our ancient ancestors as a natural remedy. It has antibacterial properties that can kill harmful bacteria that usually cause dental plaque and act as a pain reliever. Just crush a garlic clove until it becomes a paste. Then you can apply it to the painful area.

Try acupressure

Acupressure is an ancient Chinese remedy where you put pressure on your body, called acupoints, to help your muscles relax. For example, if you’re having headaches, you can massage your Hegu or Li-4 acupoint which is the back portion of your hand, in between your pointer finger and index finger. The acupoint for toothache is the part under the cheekbone, also called SI18 or Quanliao. All you need to do is to put pressure on the Quanliao and the pain will slowly go away.

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Aaron Casselman is a medical writer based in central Minnesota, specializing in bioinformatics. With my Master's Degree in bioinformatics, he brings unique insights into topics related to medicine and health.
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