What Are The Health Benefits Of Having A Degree?

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If you’ve been taking note of everything that has been happening in the world over the last few years, it’s highly likely you will have been made aware that it’s hard to get a job, it’s hard to keep a job, and it’s hard to find a job that pays enough for whatever it is you need. This is the received wisdom, and it makes people nervous about the future. However, your future does not need to be quite so concerning. Although you’ll always need to stay abreast of what is happening in the general area of the economy and job markets, the fact is that if you have a degree, you don’t have to worry quite so much. Gaining an additional qualification means you have a lot of choices when it comes to your career, and it opens up plenty of opportunities. In other words, you can buck the trend when it comes to the dire state of the job market.

Yet, although this is likely to be one of the major reasons why you choose to take on a degree course, there are other benefits to doing this. One of these is that it’s good for your health. This is not something most people would think about, but if you want to be healthier, having a degree can certainly help. Read on to find out why this is. Of course, you must take into account environmental and genetic factors – and accidents – as well when you’re considering your health, and the following information is generalized. Having said that, it could well help you greatly in your life.

A Longer Life

Scientists are always looking for new information about how long human beings can live and what factors affect this. Something that their studies have shown is that the more education a person has, the longer they are likely to live for. This is the same no matter what gender you might be, no matter your ethnicity, where you live, or even what age you were when you obtained your degree. In particular, deaths linked to activities that contain an element of risk were greatly decreased compared to people without higher education.

There are a number of theories about why this might be. The prevailing one is that by staying in education longer, you are inherently more able to understand risk and to calculate it quickly and effortlessly (without even knowing you are doing it in many cases), meaning that you can stay away from dangerous situations that you might otherwise have been involved in. On top of this, it could also be that those who have worked for a degree have more money and, therefore, can take care of their health more easily. This means they will be able to get help when necessary, and they will live a healthier lifestyle to begin with, so they will generally live longer.

Less Stress

The world is a very stressful place, and that is true for all kinds of reasons, including economic and financial ones. It seems that no matter how much money you might have, you will always need more. The less money you have, the more this need is exaggerated, and in some cases, this can lead to a lot of debt and the stress that comes with it. However, when you have a good degree from a well-regarded school, you will be better able to find a job that pays well. Although you might still feel as though you would like more money, the truth is that you will be less stressed because you are earning a good salary. You are much less likely to get into debt, and you are more able to take time off work when you need to because you won’t be concerned about losing money. All added up; this is a healthier way to live.

Another reason for stress is job security, or rather, a lack of it. This is something that a lot of people worry about, especially considering that many firms have to close due to financial problems. Add to this the fact that technology is making some jobs obsolete, and it’s easy to see why this could be causing a lot of stress for some people. Although you might still have to worry about job security depending on the sector you’re working in, and it’s not such a big issue when you have a degree. For one thing, having a degree means it’s easier to find another position if yours is made redundant. For another, employers are less likely to want to let degree-holders go over and above those without a degree, as they are perceived to bring more value to the business. Plus, when you can get a degree in an in-demand industry such as online nursing programs, job security improves dramatically. All in all, this leads to less stress, and that leads to better overall health.

You’re Less Likely To Smoke

There is a significant risk associated with those with less education; smoking. Studies have shown that the majority of smokers have a high school education, whereas those with a degree or even additional qualifications beyond this are much less likely to smoke. The numbers are that thirty-five percent of people who did not graduate high school are smokers, thirty percent of those who did graduate high school but went no further are smokers, and thirteen percent of those who went on to obtain a degree are smokers.

There are clearly many negative health impacts with regards to smoking (smoking leads to around one in five deaths in the US each year), and therefore the statistics show that these health problems are much less likely to be felt by college graduates.

The reasons for fewer graduates smoking are yet to be firmly established. However, one theory is that college campuses are strictly non-smoking environments, making it difficult for college students to smoke anywhere around their educational facility, dorm, or even entertainment venues. Another theory is that many people find smoking to be a form of stress-relief, and, as we’ve seen, college graduates experience less stress than those without a degree and, therefore, will not take up smoking to self-medicate.

You’re Less Likely To Get Common Illnesses

This might sound as though it’s impossible to quantify; how can it be that those with degrees and additional qualifications get sick less than those without? It all comes down to unemployment. College graduates are much less likely to be unemployed than those without a degree, for many of the reasons we’ve mentioned above. It has been determined that if you are unemployed, you might feel depressed, stressed, and anxious, and this can have an adverse effect on your physical health, including your immune system. Add to this the fact that when you are feeling down, you might eat poorly or make bad choices in terms of alcohol and other drugs, and you’ll see how it is possible for those without a degree to be more susceptible to common illnesses.

Yet more than the common cold, studies have also shown that people with degrees are less likely to suffer from heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and other issues.

You’re More Likely To Have Health Insurance

Health insurance is crucial if you want to be treated in any hospital at any time for almost any condition. Without health insurance, it’s difficult for people who need medical help to obtain it at times, which of course, leads to them becoming sicker in both the short and long term.

People who have degrees tend to be more likely to have health insurance. This might be because they are able to apply for jobs with better benefits, or it could be that they earn more money and are therefore able to afford good health insurance. It could be a combination of these things. Having health insurance means you will be more likely to see a doctor or go to the hospital when you need to, and therefore you will stay much healthier in general.

You’ll Be Happier

Not everyone wants to get a degree, and not everyone needs to get a degree. Some career paths simply don’t require the candidates to have one, and if you are starting your own business, it is down to you whether you feel a degree would be a good idea or not.

However, if you feel that you do need a degree in order to get where you want to in life, when you obtain one, you will be happier, and that leads to better health. You’ll be happier because you’ll be able to work in the job you want, and you’ll have all the benefits that come with a degree, many of which we’ve mentioned above, including job security, ease in finding a job, and more. Since you will take better care of yourself when you are happy, you are sure to be healthier when you are doing exactly what you want to do in the way you want to do it.

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My name is Abby Norman and I am a healthcare blogger. With over 10 years of experience in the medical field, I have developed a passion for helping others understand the complexities of healthcare.
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