What Should You Ask Before Taking Herbal Supplements?

6 Min Read
Homeopathy. Alternative medicine concept.

Many people have discovered the benefits of herbal supplements during the past few years. You can use them to treat both acute and chronic conditions. For example, you may have a critical mental health concern, such as depression or anxiety, that you want to manage. Or, you may have a chronic medical condition, such as arthritis, that has not responded to other treatment methods. You might be able to use herbal supplements, such as ashwagandha or St. John’s Wort, to help you. At the same time, herbal supplements can be powerful. Therefore, you need to select the right option to meet your needs. What are a few questions you need to ask before you make a decision?

1. What Does The Herbal Supplement Do?

Of course, the first thing you need to ask is about the action of the herbal supplement. What does the herbal supplement do? Next, you need to understand its impact on the body. For example, you might be curious about what receptors that might bind to. You are probably also curious about how people use it to treat their ailments. For example, you might have found an herbal supplement to help you sleep better at night. Or, you may have found an herbal supplement that can help you reduce inflammation. Always ask about the herbal supplement’s action before making a decision. 

2. Does This Interact With Any Medications I Take?

One very important question is whether the herbal supplement will interact with any medications you take. When people hear about this issue, they usually think about prescription medications. Even though that is important, you must consider your over-the-counter medications. Just because something is sold over the counter doesn’t mean it cannot hurt you. You must ensure your herbal supplement will not interact with anything else you take. Otherwise, you increase your chances of experiencing complications and side effects from your prescription or over-the-counter medication. 

3. How Should I Take the Supplement?

Next, you need to think about how you should take the supplement. This means that you must figure out whether you should put it in your food, brew it into a tea, or mix it into a smoothie. There are plenty of ways to take herbal supplements, and you should figure out which option is best for your needs. You should also figure out whether to take it on an empty stomach, take it with a specific drink, or mix it with a specific type of cuisine. Sometimes, you can augment or blunt the supplement’s action by taking it a certain way. This is another reason why you should reach out to a professional who can help you. 

4. How Much Do I Take?

You should also figure out how much of that specific supplement you are supposed to take. When in doubt, you need to start low and go slow. This means you should start with a relatively low supplement dose before increasing it. Then, you need to figure out how it will affect you before you take a larger dose. That way, you can reduce your chances of experiencing complications or side effects. Even though the chances of experiencing difficulties and side effects from herbal supplements are relatively low, you still need to stay safe. 

5. What Does My Doctor Say?

Finally, you also need to talk to your primary care doctor before you take a supplement for the first time. What do they have to say about that specific supplement? You need to make sure it is safe for you. There is a good chance that your primary care doctor is very familiar with many different herbal supplements. You need to disclose what you are taking to your doctor so that they can point you in the right direction. There is also a chance that your primary care doctor knows of a safe, reputable location where you can find the right supplements. 

Take the Right Herbal Supplement for Your Needs

There are many questions you need to ask before you decide to take herbal supplements. Even though there are plenty of perfectly safe supplements, you need to ensure that they will not interfere with anything else you might take. That includes not only other herbal supplements but also prescription medications. If you have questions about what herbal supplements are right for you, you need to take the time to do your research and talk to professionals before you make a decision. Do not forget to talk to your primary care doctor as well. That way, you can make the right decision for your health.

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