Which Content Strategy Works Best For Your Healthcare Business?

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Do you have thousands of clients? Are your profits higher than you expect? Is your business growing fast? If you answered ?no? to at least one of the above questions, you need to improve your marketing strategy.

One of the most important components of a marketing campaign is content. Any marketing specialist will tell you about its royal properties. Before going any further with your promotional effort, consider a few of the below tips to improve your content strategy and take your digital marketing efforts to a new level.

1. Content Organization

No matter how excellent your content is, if it?s hard to read or to find on your website, it becomes useless. Your marketing specialists must find the best way to design the website in order for the content to be readily available to the readers.

It?s highly important to consider numerous mobile users. The content arrangement for the mobile version of the website should be especially convenient since the majority of the target audience is likely to access it from mobile gadgets.

Some studies show that the majority of users prefer to scroll the information instead of clicking a button to proceed to the next page, especially when it comes to reading from the mobile.

2. Use Customers? Reviews

Whether you are a hospital or a small clinic, you work with many patients every day. The majority of these encounters end on a positive note. Make sure to follow up with as many patients as possible to ask about their experience.

No matter how amazing your content marketing and healthcare SEO strategy is, the best way to bring new patients in is the word-of-the-mouth approach. People are more likely to trust other patients than your best promotional efforts.

Ideally, you can make a video of a patient sharing his or her experience and post it on social media. Textual reviews should be readily available on your website. By asking for the patient?s reviews, you aren?t just getting high-quality content, you are improving your relationship with your clients.

3. Talk About Latest Technologies

One of the best ways to catch a client?s attention is to share something breathtaking and exciting. What can fit the above parameters while being related to the medical field? New technologies.

Many people are mesmerized by the way artificial intelligence and machine learning are changing the healthcare industry. Surgeries performed by robots, 3D plastic surgery planning, diagnoses made by computers, and much more is becoming more and more realistic.

Photos of futuristic-looking equipment are bound to have the potential patient glued to the computer screen. Just make sure the images are under 600 kb in order not to slow down the page loading time.

4. Share Your Opinion

One of the toughest tasks healthcare providers face when creating content is originality. According to experts in healthcare marketing by Anzolomed, it?s easy to create original content. All you have to do is share your professional opinion.

In the healthcare industry, there is no lack of news, trends, and developments. Each staff member in your clinic or hospital is bound to have a professional opinion on the matter. By taking a viral news story and commenting on it, you are making your job easy.

You are essentially reposting an interesting story and wrapping it in an original package. It?s important that you have the authority and expertise to comment on the subject. Otherwise, such content can do you a disservice.

5. Use Videos

Videos are becoming highly important for marketing efforts regardless of the industry. They can catch the client?s attention in just a few seconds and assist you with brand awareness. However, videos have their downsides.

You need to have a team of professionals to create a high-quality video, which can assist with the marketing effort. The second problem is the size of the video, which can slow down the page loading time.

If you manage to overcome the above difficulties, videos can boost your marketing campaign results trifold. You can mix patient stories (told by patients themselves) and expert opinions to create highly compelling videos showing the advantages of your clinic.

6. Boost Awareness

Sharing interesting content, which deals with common medical conditions, is an easy way to improve your marketing efforts. Patients are often looking for useful information online before they decide to call their doctor.

By describing numerous conditions and talking about symptoms, types of treatments, consequences, and recovery, you can easily bring new patients to your clinic.

For your social media accounts, you can use infographics and share such attention-grabbing information as ?first aid for people with broken limbs?, ?how to tell if you are having a stroke?, ?the right approach to Heimlich maneuver?, and the like.

7. Take Advantage Of Email Marketing

The majority of people still consider e-mail an official way to relay information. Take advantage of email marketing to share your content. Remember, the content created for emails should be packaged differently than for social media or website.

You need to pay close attention to the subject of your email in order not to route the message to the spam folder. You should also ensure the email list hygiene to avoid sending messages into the void.

Creating email messages is tough since you need to pack as much interesting information into a few phrases as possible. However, for health providers, email is an excellent weapon, which can achieve great conversion results.

Final Thoughts

There are numerous content strategies for healthcare services. If you have the resources, it?s beneficial to employ them all. We recommend paying as much attention as possible to the content location, SEO efforts, videos, and email marketing.

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By JoshH
Josh has 10 years of experience in IT industry as a web developer and cloud computing expert. He frequently writes about IT and branding efforts. In his free time, you will often find him taking a walk, or playing video games.
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