Which Therapies Can Help With Autism?

Discover effective autism therapies to support your loved ones. Learn about the best treatments for autism spectrum disorder today.

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Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects an individual’s behavior, communication, and social skills. While the disorder affects each one differently, a few key treatments aid those individuals in living a fulfilling life. These therapeutic approaches range from ABA therapy to occupational therapy and more. This article looks at the most widely recognized therapies for autism, looking at their effectiveness and benefits. 

Applied Behavior Analysis

If you are a parent of an autistic child or an adult living with autism, chances are you might have searched for “ABA centers near me”. ABA therapy is a groundbreaking treatment plan that is evidence-based. This has been one of the more successful therapies due to its many benefits. So, what is applied behavior analysis, and how does it work? This therapy focuses on behavior — in particular, reducing negative behavioral traits and replacing them with positive ones. The focus is always on reinforcing positive behavior.

Another core component of this therapy is breaking down complex tasks and skills into smaller, more manageable steps — this is called task analysis. Often, autistic individuals become overwhelmed by having to do multiple tasks simultaneously, and effective ABA therapy helps to mitigate this. The idea is to allow autistic individuals to learn new skills progressively. Another thing to remember is that ABA therapy is a personalized treatment based on the needs of the autistic individual, which is why the therapy is so effective.

Speech and Language Therapy

Autistic individuals sometimes struggle with speech and language. While they are fully aware of what they want to communicate, sometimes, it is one of their biggest challenges. Speech and language therapy is widely used for multiple conditions and remains an excellent treatment for autistic individuals. A speech and language therapist works with autistic individuals to enhance their verbal and non-verbal communication skills.

For individuals who are non-verbal or have very limited verbal communication, therapists often introduce augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices to assist. These devices aid ASD individuals by providing a platform where they can select a picture that represents their feelings, emotions, thoughts, and requests. Speech and language therapy also focuses on improving overall communication, such as understanding social cues, turn-taking, and initiating and maintaining conversation.

Occupational Therapy

Most people have heard about occupational therapy in their lifetime. This therapy is used for multiple conditions and has been quite effective in addressing the needs of autistic individuals. This therapy focuses on addressing challenging tasks in everyday life, sensory processing, and motor coordination. Occupational therapists work closely with autistic individuals to manage their daily tasks, including dressing, eating, and personal grooming.

There is another aspect of this therapy, and that includes sensory integration. If you are unaware, autistic individuals have sensory challenges and can become overwhelmed when just sitting in the company of people they trust with the television on, lights everywhere, etc. While these are everyday situations people without autism rarely have an issue with, sensory overload can severely impact anyone with ASD. Sensory integration therapy teaches individuals how to cope with stimuli of various degrees, allowing them to respond to the stimuli appropriately.

Social Skills Training

Social interaction skills are one of the core features of autism, making social skills training a crucial therapeutic approach. The aim is to teach autistic individuals the skills needed to interact with others and maintain and develop friendships. This training focuses on didactic instruction, role-playing, and real-life practice to aid individuals with ASD in coping with various situations.

Social skills training has benefited many due to improving peer relationships and reading social anxiety, which is often a stressful symptom of autism. However, through skills training, individuals with ASD have been able to enhance social interaction and lead relatively normal lives.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Another widely recognized therapeutic approach has been instrumental in addressing specific aspects of autism, including anxiety and repetitive behaviors. The idea is to identify and modify negative thought patterns while promoting healthy coping mechanisms. While autism is a stressful condition, cognitive behavior therapy addresses the challenges for an overall better quality of life.

This therapy’s key assistance looks at improving anxiety specifically related to social interaction, reducing compulsive obsessive behaviors, and adapting to changes in routine. Individuals are provided with practical strategies to manage emotions and navigate social interactions to the best of their ability — while consistently adapting and improving over time.

Music and Art Therapy

For decades, people have been encouraging music and art therapy since they allow for individual and collective expression. Music and art therapy leverage the qualities of the mediums to enhance communication, sensory integration, and emotional expression. In music therapy, autistic individuals engage in playing instruments, singing, and listening to music.

Music therapists tailor the therapy based on the needs of the individual. There have been multiple inspiring stories about individuals who might not necessarily take up music therapy but have instead used music to express themselves positively, such as the Los Angeles autistic teenager who created a 70-minute symphony.

With art therapy, self-expression is the key focus area, and therapists incorporate visual art to improve communication, expression, and thoughts in a non-verbal way. This therapy has also improved fine motor skills and sensory integration.

Choosing the Right Therapy

There is no single therapy when it pertains to autism. Since autism spectrum disorder is complex and the condition presents itself differently for each person, a unique, tailor-made approach is necessary to address the challenges the condition presents. ABA therapy has emerged as a groundbreaking, customizable treatment, while speech and language therapy promotes healthier communication methods. Occupational therapy focuses on sensory overload and management; social skills training looks at social interaction; cognitive behaviour therapy looks at reducing anxiety and repetitive behaviour; and music and art therapy promotes better communication and expression.

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