Why Modern Pillows Reduce Back and Neck Problems

You can significantly reduce the risk of back and neck pain by making sure that you use the right pillow.

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Between 60% and 80% of adults suffer from back and neck issues. Unfortunately, many people don’t recognize the source of the problem.

Back and neck problems create a lot of distress to people all over the world. There are a number of reasons that they occur. Many people develop back and neck pain at work. However, some people suffer from these conditions because they have bad mattresses or pillows.

Getting a good night’s sleep is key to our well-being, it helps our bodies and minds to recover from our busy lives, which is why it’s so important to create the perfect sleep environment to help you rest. Choosing a mattress to suit your body is essential, but did you know you’ll also have to choose the right pillow to suit your sleeping position and comfort preferences? This can ensure you get a better night’s sleep and don’t suffer from back and neck problems.

Modern Pillows Have Seriously Reduced the Risk of Back and Neck Problems

Whether you’re looking for the best pillow for a back sleeper, side sleeper, or to help relieve specific aches and pains, there is something to suit everyone. Read on as we take a closer look at the history of pillows and how they’ve changed over time. You will get a better idea of why modern pillows are better for health problems than the ones our ancestors used.

Ancient times

How much do you know about how pillows were used and manufactured in the past? In ancient times, no one used a pillow to sleep comfortably! Actually, it was quite the opposite. There are a few ancient civilizations that decided to use pillows and most of them for different reasons. For example, the oldest pillow dates back 9,000 years and was thought to be from Mesopotamia. These old-age pillows were often made from materials like wood, or even stone so they could be carved into. They would be made into a cradle shape that would stop the neck from touching the ground and hold it in place. Another civilization that used pillows is the Ancient Egyptians. Again, not a culture that was particularly cautious about comfort – they used pillows to protect the head, as they referred to it as the center of their bodies.

Much like the pillows in Mesopotamia, the Chinese were also known for their uncomfortable pillow choices. Instead of using hard materials to protect their heads, they simply decided that any kind of luxury would remove the energy from their body – even though they were advanced enough to make and benefit from comfy pillows! It’s safe to say that in many civilizations in the past, whether that’s Chinese culture, Greek, or Rome – comfortable pillows were a no-go, and some even saw them as a sign of weakness.

The modern world

So, with all the above in mind, you might be wondering when people started to sleep on pillows for comfort. Throughout the Middle Ages, they still remained an anomaly to many households, and as many were poor, they would not be able to afford the fabric to make or sleep on a pillow. It’s only after the Industrial Revolution that pillows became more common – but still probably not as we know them now. These pillows would be stuffed with anything that was remotely soft – even hay. And then in the 1960s, change came for the better! Polyester filling was created which was then used to enhance the way pillows felt, for comfort and support – without having to worry about mildew and mold spreading through them!

How to choose the right pillow

These days, there is a range of pillows that you can take advantage of, whether you prefer soft and fluffy, or something a little firmer and flatter, like memory foam. We’re lucky with so many pillows to choose from – but sometimes, the variety can make the choice even more difficult! There are a few factors to think about when choosing the best pillow for you that we will take a closer look at below.


We all know how important it is to choose a mattress that can support your body, but your pillow should also work in conjunction with this to help you get a good night’s sleep. For example, if you sleep on your side, you should choose a mattress that is soft and can help with pressure relief. But your pillow should be firmer, to help keep your neck and spine in neutral alignment. If you sleep on your back, a firmer pillow may be a good choice to take pressure off the head and neck. If you are a stomach sleeper, a flat, soft pillow is the best choice. Making sure your pillow gives you the support you need means you will wake up feeling rested, and pain-free.


You have to find your pillow comfortable – you want to have a cosy sleep each night! Once you’ve identified which position you find most comfortable to sleep in, you can figure out which pillow is best for you. There are a few factors to consider when it comes to comfort, like material. There are a range of different materials you can choose for your pillow, whether that’s down, feathers, memory foam, or latex. Each has a different feel, so try a few out before you make your decision.

 You should also think about the loft of your pillow. A pillow with loft will be thick and sit higher than others – you may find this uncomfortable if your head is straining at an angle. A lower loft pillow will be flatter, which helps to keep the spine aligned. Doing a bit of research can help you find the most comfortable and supportive pillow for you.

Reduce the Risk of Back and Neck Pain with Modern Pillows

Modern pillows are a lot better than the ones our ancestors used. They have a much lower likelihood to cause back and neck issues. You will want to do your research and purchase one that has the lowest risk of causing these issues.

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