Your Pearly Whites: 7 Ways To Be Smile-Ready

7 Min Read
Shutterstock Photo License - By Ovcharenko

There can be a lot of factors on what makes a lasting impression, especially if you’re meeting someone for the very first time. It could be how they dress, their interests, or their humor. However, one of the most noticeable things that a person can have is their smile.

A smile can set the tone of how a person perceives the other. To have a pleasing smile, a person should have healthy, good looking teeth. Having good oral health can also tell others about your personality. For example, people who talk a lot and have bad breath can be very off-putting.

There is a lot of new technology that is improving dental care. However, you will need to take responsibility for your own teeth as well.

Aside from giving you a good smile, your teeth can be an excellent way to tell how healthy you are. So with that said, how do you have a shining, glowing smile? Here are some ways you can do it.

Dental Implants

Unhealthy practices when we’re young often result in irreparable damages when we grow up. One of these noticeable damages is your teeth. From smoking, drinking soda, and eating junk food, there are many ways that a young person can damage their teeth.

Although adult teeth don’t grow back, good thing there is a solution! You can opt for dental implants. If you’re afraid or doubtful about these implants, always consult a licensed dentist. Accredited dentists often explain to their patients about the dental implants procedure that they’d go through.

With the proper consultations, dental implants can bring back a smile that “was lost” due to bad life decisions in the past.

Brush Your Teeth Properly

If you are worried about your teeth, you should know how to brush your teeth properly. There is a particular frequency when you should brush your teeth. You should brush your teeth at least two times a day for two minutes with a soft-bristled brush.

Also, it would be best if you replaced your toothbrush every 3-4 months. Brushes that are too old would not do an excellent job cleaning your teeth. When brushing your teeth, make sure that you’re using toothpaste that is ADA-accepted.

Dental Prophylaxis or “Cleaning”

Even though you’re brushing your teeth properly, you might not be able to reach some areas no matter how hard you try. In most cases, plaque and other harmful buildups happen in these hard-to-reach areas in and around your teeth.

If left untreated, these buildups can harden and become tartar. Tartar is the result when plaque solidifies. Tartar can have a foul odor and cause discoloration on your teeth. For this reason, it’s advisable to go to your dentist and have them do a thorough cleaning. With the use of special tools, your dentist will reach these places and get rid of any plaque left behind.

Dental Braces

Dental braces are used to correct the straightness of your teeth. Orthodontists may also use specialized braces to help you with your bites and occlusion. You have to take extra care when you have braces. Braces can often last for years and several visits to your dentist. People can also get attracted to those who are wearing braces. Ultimately though, the goal of dental braces is to help you get healthy teeth for a beautiful smile.

Track Your Diet

Aside from brushing your teeth and seeing your dentist, another way of taking care of your teeth is watching your diet. Your diet and the food you eat can determine how healthy or unhealthy your teeth can be.

For example, a diet that is rich in sugar can lead to tooth decay. A high-sugar diet not only leads to developing diabetes but also attracts acid-producing bacteria that’s strong enough to rot away enamel. Although there’s nothing wrong with consuming these products, it’s best to keep them to a minimum. Remember to normalize eating healthy greens and other food that helps your teeth become healthier.

Buy Other Teeth Cleaning Materials

Aside from your toothbrush, flossing is another practice you should do if you want to have that perfect smile. However, a toothbrush can only get you so far; it can’t reach the very tight spaces in between your teeth. This is where dental floss works its magic. Aside from dental floss, there are lots of oral care products such as mouthwash and sugar-free candies that can help your breath smell fresher.

Bring Your Dental Hygiene Kit at All Times

You should be ready at all times. Whether you go to your office or a night out, make sure you have the best smile and your breath smells great. You never know who you will talk to or who you will meet. Create a great impression every time by always having your kit around.


Many shiny precious things like gold and diamonds are expensive and hard to come by. However, your smile can be just as lovely and shiny. With the proper diet, regular visits to your dentist, and proper brushing, having a perfect smile won’t cost you a fortune and isn’t impossible to have.

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