The 3 Secrets to Making Your Blog Stand Out

3 Min Read

According to a Pew Research study, 72 percent of adult Internet users look for health information online, making medical-related inquiries among the most popular searches on the web.

According to a Pew Research study, 72 percent of adult Internet users look for health information online, making medical-related inquiries among the most popular searches on the web.

Tips to make your healthcare blog stand outWith that being said, there is a lot of medical-related content out in the digital world, especially in blogs.  So how can a reputable healthcare facility get their blog to stand out? How can you show your authority? How can you get in front of your target audience?

Here are a few tips and answers:

  • Be Unique. Instead of being like everyone else that writes a lot of text in their blog posts, focus more on visuals.  Videos and photos are great ways to grab a reader’s attention. A patient testimonial video or photo gallery is much more effective than simple copy. A picture – or video – really is worth a thousand words.
  • Solve Problems. Instead of explaining a medical condition, try to offer solutions. For example, write about the precautions one can take to avoid Ebola instead of just describing it. These types of posts are more useful and more likely to be shared, thereby expanding your message’s reach.
  • Optimize. Yes, you want to provide content that will resonate with human beings – but you also have to write for search engines.  Always write a compelling headline that includes a targeted keyword. Also, make sure you have the right meta tags and descriptions as well as properly named images; Google has no idea what IMG_3024 stands for. If you give your photo a name, it is likelier to show up in image searches.

Take pride in your blog, and you’ll see some great results! If you take the time to do blogging right, it can have a lot of revenue potential for you and your facility.  For additional tips on how to promote your blog, contact Wax Custom Communications at 305-350-5700 or visit

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