Body Pain: Causes, Prevention, And Treatment Tips To Know

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  Body pain is a common condition affecting many people across the globe. While at most times it may not be a cause for alarm, at other times, body aches may be a sign of severe underlying medical conditions. It is therefore essential to understand the cause of the body pain as this will help you seek the necessary medical assistance. Body pain varies in frequency and intensity and may be described as either intermittent, sharp or dull but persistent pain. However, it is essential to note that most cases of body pain can be identified and treated without having to see a health practitioner. In this post, we will talk about some of the most common causes and symptoms of body pain. We will also share with you some of the tips that you can employ to treat body pain naturally. Signs and Symptoms of Body Aches Body ache is often accompanied by other symptoms. This means that, by identifying these signs, you may be able to identify the cause of the body pain. Some of the most common symptoms of body ache include general body weakness, pain, fatigue, cold and flu-like symptoms, rapid changes in body temperatures, etc. Conditions That May Lead To Frequent and Severe Body Pain

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Fluid retention
  • Arthritis
  • Medications
  • Stress
  • Hypokalemia
  • Pneumonia
  • Autoimmune disorders such as lupus, multiple sclerosis.
  • Dehydration and lack of sleep.

1. Exercise

It has been found out that people who exercise or engage in active physical activities are likely to experience less body pain than their counterparts who don?t exercise. This is because, when we engage in these activities, our bodies produce their own version of ?painkillers? such as endorphins hormones. This hormone interacts with brain receptors for pain, hence changing our perception of pain. Besides, most cases of body ache such as muscles and back pain are as a result of the lack of physical activities. If you spend all your time sitting in the office, then your muscles are likely to become rigid, which may lead to body pain. If you find it hard or painful to exercise, it could be because you are just starting out. In such a case, it is advisable that you start slowly, then build up. A simple walk to the stores in a lazy Sunday afternoon may be a good start. You can also consult your trainer for guidance and assistance. 2. Get Some Sun Fifteen minutes of sun exposure may be all you need to eliminate that pain for good. A recent study involving 200 people suffering from knee osteoarthritis showed that those people who got the recommended amount of vitamin D on a daily basis suffered from less pain than their counterparts who did not. It is believed that vitamin D helps the body absorb the much-needed calcium hence aiding in eliminating pain. 3. Anti-Inflammatory Diet Please note that pain is often caused by inflammation. Adopting or employing anti-inflammatory diets, therefore, may help in treating or preventing pain. Apart from helping with your pain, anti-inflammatory diets boast of high fiber content which is essential in eliminating toxins that might have accumulated in your body, and which may lead to additional inflammation. Wondering where to start on anti-inflammatory diets? Focus on organic vegetables and fruits, low-glycemic carbs and lean proteins. Other healthy fats such as olive oil have also been found to be useful. The thing to note here is that adopting anti-inflammatory diets may not yield instant results since it is a long-term lifestyle approach. 4. Hypnotherapy for Pain Relief Research has shown that hypnotherapy is a great way of eliminating pain related to chronic conditions such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. According to research, more than 70% of people living with arthritis and other related medical conditions have found hypnotherapy effective in relieving pain. Hypnotherapy works by guiding you on how to take control of the anxiety and fear related to your pain. This technique helps relax you and take your mind off the pain. A hypnotherapy session usually lasts for about 15-20 minutes. During this time, your hypnotist will help you to focus on your breathing which is essential for a relaxed mind. He will then ask you to picture a pleasant or an exciting place and then instruct you to describe it without leaving out any detail. This will help refocus your mind from negative emotions or the pain. With time, your body will learn to focus on other things rather than the pain. You will also be able to control how you react to pain sensation by being calmer and not being worried about it. One of the best things about hypnotherapy is that it can work for anyone and it has no known side-effects. 5. CBD Oil for Pain According to HelloMello, a health and wellness company specializing in medical marijuana, CBD oil may be a natural remedy for chronic pain. CBD, short for Cannabidiol is one of the over 120+ cannabinoids found in the marijuana plant. Although cannabis has been used to treat pain since ancient China, it is only recently that researchers have discovered the compounds responsible for its pain relieving properties. Cannabidiol is one of these compounds. CBD may help treat chronic pain by reducing inflammation as well as by promoting sound sleep. As we have already mentioned in the post, inflammation is the main cause of chronic pain in many individuals. Also, it has been found that people suffering from chronic pain always suffer from a wide range of sleep disorders with the most common one being insomnia. By treating inflammation and insomnia, CBD will not only help you deal with chronic pain but will also improve the overall quality of your life and well-being. Conclusion: When to See a Doctor If home remedies are not working for you, or body aches are becoming more severe and persistent, then it may be time to see a doctor. You should see a doctor if you experience;

  • Persistent and severe pain that does not get well with home remedies.
  • Body pain accompanied by rashes.
  • Muscle or back pain accompanied by severe swelling or redness.
  • Body pain as a result of ongoing medication.
  • Fever.
  • Difficulties in moving etc.

Hope you find this article useful and that by employing these tips, pain become a thing of the past for you!

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James is a freelance writer and blogger. He loves to write on wellness, tech and E-Health.
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