CBD And Wellness: What You Need To Know

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Although CBD is bursting onto the health and wellness scene and making enterprising entrepreneurs a lot of money, there are still some common misconceptions about CBD that can confuse business owners, consumers, and investors.  CBD companies are growing at a record rate, and if a CBD brand does not market itself carefully, there can be a great deal of difficulty helping the general public wade through terms such as hemp, marijuana, CBD, and THC and distinguish them correctly.

For consumers, this can create a challenge when considering personal health and wellness. Because both the marijuana and hemp plants have both medicinal and intoxicating properties, consumers may find they aren?t sure what products to purchase, since all of them are intended for very different purposes. It is critical to understand that CBD is a cannabinoid with therapeutic and anti-inflammatory properties similar to the THC found in marijuana, but unlike products with high levels of THC, it does not offer any psychoactive effects. This means that CBD companies who use services like Hashtagsforlikes must be both conscientious and strategic in educating their target audience by offering customer service that benefits common people interested in learning more about the benefits of CBD to their overall health and wellness.

CBD can help manage pain.

In order to lead a healthy, active lifestyle, pain is best alleviated or managed. Whether the pain is intermittent or chronic, CBD can be an important part of a well-balanced, pain-free lifestyle. Rather than

using pharmaceuticals that can interfere with other medications that a consumer may take daily,  CBD oils applied topically can help manage pain with less risk. Whether you?re dealing with arthritis flare-ups or chronic issues due to a disease such as multiple sclerosis, CBD oil has been shown to decrease pain and inflammation without additional side effects. CBD oil comes in many different strengths and has been shown to work better in higher doses. However, it?s important that individuals consult with a doctor to determine what dosage and concentration are most appropriate for their specific needs. In some cases, a lower dose may be most effective, and some studies have shown that CBD is most effective when combined with a small intake of THC.

CBD infused products are currently trending.

Companies are finding more ways to use CBD and more products to put it in. From coffee to candy to other beverages such as sodas, waters, and fruit juices, many consumers are focusing their attention on a wellness lifestyle that includes CBD-infused products. CBD is now legal in all 50 states, thanks to the 2018 Farm Bill, so innovative companies are taking advantage of the opportunity to explore CBD in drinks, candy, alcoholic beverages, and even ice cream!

CBD can help with anxiety and mild depression.

More recently, consumers have sought out CBD for anxiety, depression, and stress relief. When other therapies, like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, are found to be less effective (and CBT side effects well-documented), sufferers look to other solutions. Instead of turning to pharmaceutical drugs like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as Prozac and Zoloft or tranquilizers like Valium and Xanax, some consumers find that CBD-related products are viable alternatives to highly addictive prescription medications. When administered as needed, CBD appears to be a safe and well-tolerated treatment for anxiety-related disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, social phobias, panic disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. It has also been shown to be useful in the treatment of mild to moderate depression.

In the wellness arena, the stigma attached to CBD is on the decline.

Because of the general public?s interest in CBD, more information is available to the consumer. Social media, celebrities, and companies that educate their following provide access to much-needed knowledge and understanding of CBD. Media outlets are picking up on the need to educate consumers about CBD, decreasing the range of misinformation, false advertisements, and even outright lies about CBD. With the increase in research and data concerning the value of CBD for managing anxiety, depression, and pain, as well as being part of an active, healthy lifestyle,  more is being learned about the safety and value of CBD use, even if the  FDA continues to move slowly in its endorsement of CBD as a viable alternative to pain medications and other pharmaceuticals.

CBD products are becoming more affordable.

As more people learn about CBD and the demand increases, the CBD market is seeing a downward trend in cost. The price of hemp and hemp-related or CBD-infused products continues to drop. While it?s not uncommon to come across a good CBD sale, it is important for consumers to understand the significance of buying only from reliable, reputable, and trusted suppliers. Consumers should be assured that the CBD products they are purchasing have been third-party tested, you want to make sure you are getting exactly what you?re paying for. If you don?t, you may not get an effective product and may even do yourself harm by ingesting residue solvent chemicals.

What would you like to know about CBD and wellness? Ask your questions here.

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James is a freelance writer and blogger. He loves to write on wellness, tech and E-Health.
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