Choosing the Right TMJ Specialist for You

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Have you noticed pain and discomfort around your facial muscles, jaw joints, and ears? What about temple pain, headaches, throat and tooth pain, or strange feelings in your jaw? These are all common symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) and TMJ syndrome.

This painful condition can see the need for a TMJ specialist from a medical or dental practice, but how do you find the right specialist who will take care of your needs? It can require a little bit of homework, but you might be able to find a specialist nearby with greater ease than you first thought.

Understand Treatment Options

When you receive a TMJ diagnosis, it’s always a good idea to learn as much about the condition as possible. This can include getting to know the various treatment options and how they may be beneficial for you. Some people experience relief just with a custom-balanced occlusal orthotic. Other times, you have to consider orthodontic and dental options to improve your jaw and teeth’s position.

Every situation is unique, which is why your chosen TMJ specialist or dentist may look at a variety of dental and health options like joint exercises, muscle relaxants, and even anti-inflammatories to find out what will work for you.

Check Their Certifications

Many people get nervous about choosing a specialist for the treatment of TMJ. They may have seen different treatment philosophies at each practice that make it harder to choose. A specialist with experience and understanding of various treatment options can be a wise decision. In fact, one that has a detailed sequence of treatment modalities within a specific treatment plan might be exactly what you’re looking for.

You’re also within your rights to ask about their credentials, where they trained, what experience they have in oral health and dentistry, and their experience with TMD, TMJ, and other similar conditions

Read Their Reviews

Online reviews have become quite important in recent years, not only for learning about available healthcare providers but finding out people’s experiences with those healthcare providers. If you are having a hard time deciding on the right TMJ specialist for you, check each specialist’s site to read about real customers’ experiences. Proper research can give you confidence that you’ve chosen the right specialist when you see glowing reviews from people who have benefited from their treatment options.

Ask Them Questions

Finding out you have TMJ syndrome can be overwhelming. There’s a lot of information to absorb, including the plan of attack. However, don’t be afraid to ask questions. For example, some people struggle to understand how grinding their teeth, known as bruxism, can lead to TMJ syndrome. Others might be curious about ways to relieve TMJ pain at home. You may even be curious about the entire medical approach to this condition.

If you can’t think of anything at the time, write down questions as you remember them so you can bring them up with your specialist later. 

Given the often painful and inconvenient symptoms associated with a TMJ disorder, it’s not something you should manage on your own. Many specialists can assist with managing your symptoms and alleviating pain and discomfort. Could it be time to choose the right TMJ specialist for you?

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