Crucial House Cleaning Tips to Stay Healthy This Winter

You will want to make sure your house is as clean as possible to stay healthy during the winter.

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Many people are finally starting to excited about winter. Unfortunately, there is a major reason some people are not looking forward to it. One of the biggest reasons is that people tend to get sick in the winter.

There are a lot of different reasons that people get sick during the winter. We all understand that the flu is more common. However, home sanitation issues are a common problem that often gets overlooked. The federal government launched the People 2030 program to encourage people to live in healthier homes. We spend more time inside during the winter, which means that we are going to breathing more mold, dust and other harmful substances that might be in your home.

Therefore, you are going to need to make it a priority to clean your home to stay healthy, especially if you live in a cold area and will spend more time inside. Unfortunately, some people don’t know what to focus on when cleaning. Keep reading to learn more.

House Cleaning Tips to Stay Healthy During the Winter

The most house-proud among us spend the equivalent of 237 hours (10 entire days) cleaning our homes. Whether you’re a happy Hincher or a Kondo queen, the amount of time that you spend cleaning must be done as efficiently and effectively as possible. Even the most dedicated house cleaners can miss certain areas that many people commonly overlook. It’s also natural for people to skim over places that might need just a quick scrub and love to get them as hygienic and fresh as any family home should be.

To help you get your home super-sparkling and fresh, here are some of the areas of your home to give extra attention to next time you’re sprucing up your place: 

Home Laptops & Computers

Your home computers probably get used a lot by the whole family but rarely cleaned with as much vigor. Research says that a computer mouse has over 250 bacteria per square centimeter, and a keyboard has over 500 bacteria per square centimeter. This is actually a lot more bacteria than you will find on a toilet seat, which has just eight bacteria per square centimeter. Fortunately, you can clean your computer easily if use compressed air and alcohol wipes to get your tech looking better and make it much more hygienic. 

Handles & Knobs

Anything you use to open the door to a room or appliance (like an oven or microwave), or even knobs for appliances, will be highly likely to have a high bacterial surface load. This problem isn’t just with a bathroom handle but anything that gets touched with the hands regularly throughout the house. It’s essential to clean these areas periodically to try and prevent the spread of a wide range of germs and contaminants. 

The Whole Bathroom

The bathroom is an area that gets cleaned regularly in the average home because of how that space is used, but not all of us know how dirty the bathroom can get. 

A report showed that just one flush of the loo creates thousands of little drops of water containing bacteria and dirt that could reach as far as six feet from the toilet. Even worse, three in five of us are blissfully unaware of the risks of leaving the toilet lid open when we flush. With that in mind, it’s important to pay just as much cleaning attention to bathroom mirrors, vanity units, sinks and even window ledges as it is to the toilet, bath, and other areas that are heavily used. 

The Kitchen Sink, Fridge & Chopping Boards

The kitchen is often somewhere that gets cleaned the most in the home because we use it for cooking, eating, spending time together, and perhaps doing homework and even working from home. Despite your best efforts, certain parts of the kitchen do get overlooked and can be a hotbed of germs. A study showed that places relating to food storage, like the fridge, can contain more bacteria and fecal matter than other parts of the home. Cutting boards, fridges, and kitchen sinks need extra attention for this reason, as well as dish sponges and cloths, of which over 70% have E.coli salmonella and poop debris, compared to less than 10% of loo handles. 

The Pets Bed/ Toy basket

Pet bowls and the surrounding area are the third most germy areas of the home, with their toys, beds and other accessories not faring much better. Using pet-safe products to keep those items clean and hygienic is definitely an essential part of your household cleaning routine if you have pets. 

Don’t Have Time To Do Detailed Cleans?

You will want to keep your house clean to maintain a strong immune system this winter. Unfortunately, you may feel that you don’t have the time to do it on your own.

Life is hectic, and most people are not time-rich. As nice as it would be to spend lots of extra time cleaning, it isn’t always possible. If you would love efficient, detailed cleaning done in your home for an affordable price, why not utilize a professional house cleaning service? They know to include all the commonly forgotten areas above in their routine, ensuring everywhere is fresh, spotlessly clean, and hygienic. There are no dusty corners, grubby crevices or hidden bacteria with a professional house cleaner – just a beautiful clean home with sprucing up completed daily, weekly, or monthly, depending on your needs.

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