Do Health Insurance Providers Pay for Car Accident Injury?

5 Min Read
Shutterstock Photo License - By Andrey_Popov

If you are involved in a car accident, there is a significant chance of sustaining bodily injuries. Even if you don’t, you may still suffer from mental health issues.

After being involved in a car accident, the last thing you want to do is deal with insurance companies. However, it is essential for you to receive adequate compensation because medical bills after a car accident can be pretty high.

Most states require car owners to have auto insurance to pay for vehicular damage and medical bills associated with the injury. However, does health insurance pay for injuries sustained in a car accident?

Let us find out.

Medical Attention After a Car Accidents

Car accidents can result in some of the most gruesome injuries you will ever see. You should always seek medical attention if you are involved in a car accident, even if you feel magnificent.

Injuries from car accidents may take to manifest themselves; hence a complete medical check-up is the only way to know if your health is fine. Hospitals have various tools and techniques to ascertain the existence of lack of underlying injuries.

On paper, health insurance should pay for your medical bills, whether they resulted from a car accident or not.

One thing to note is that the longer you wait to receive medical attention after a car accident, the higher the chances of the insurance company claiming that the medical issues were not related to the accident.

Therefore, even if an insurance adjuster may ask you to wait until you get a referral from one of their doctors, you should seek medical attention immediately.

Understand Your Insurance Coverage

One of the main reasons you should contact car accident lawyers after a car accident is to help you deal with the insurance companies. On the other hand, there is no substitute for thoroughly understanding the terms of your insurance policy.

Therefore, you should review both your auto and health insurance policies and comprehend what they entail. You should do so before getting the coverage and continuously after getting it. Doing so will help you answer whether your health insurance will pay for car accident injuries.

There are health insurance policies that classify car accidents as secondary coverage. Therefore, the insurance company will not pay for medical bills associated with car accidents until you reach your auto insurance limit.

There are some states in the US with minimum liability limits, which means a limit to how much you can receive for car accident injuries. However, the amount may not be enough to cater to your injuries.

Hence, it is a good idea to include Personal Injury Protection as part of your health insurance policy. It will certainly help when you need it.

Personal Injury Protection (PIP)

Personal Injury Protection is a type of insurance coverage that reimburses you for medical bills and other costs you incur after a car accident. PIP coverage could depend on your state of residence and will determine what the policy covers.

Examples of things that a PIP insurance policy will cover include ambulance services, rehabilitation, lost wages, and medical procedures such as surgery.

PIP will provide you with additional coverage to your typical auto and health insurance policies. However, it will not cover every expense, so you should know what the policy entails.

Moreover, the price of PIP coverage can be quite high, which means many people will not afford it. The more expensive the policy, the more coverage you get.

Do You Have to Pay?

You can still have to pay for the medical costs of a car accident, even if you have PIP insurance coverage. Such situations will include when you have to pay your deductible under your health insurance policy, if the policy requires you to co-pay anything and if there are any costs the policy does not pay.

To conclude, whether your health insurance policy will cover medical costs associated with a car accident is ultimately up to your coverage. You can get additional protection to protect your bases. However, filing a lawsuit against the guilty party is the best way to pay for medical bills hence the need for a good attorney.

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