How to Fit More Exercise Into Your Life … Even When You’re Busy

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It’s not always easy to fit exercise into your schedule, especially if you prefer longer sessions. On the other hand, some people are so busy that they feel exercise isn’t compatible with their lifestyle whatsoever. Is it still possible to make time for exercise, even when things get crazy?

5 Simple Ways to Fit More Exercise Into Your Life

Exercise, like eating and sleeping, is essential if you want to live a happy, healthy life. That’s why it’s crucial to fit movement into your schedule regardless of how busy you are.

1. Seek Advice From Online Communities

One of the biggest barriers to exercise is not knowing how to optimize your workouts. Although most workout moves will gradually build strength, some exercises are better than others. For example, traditional push-ups work your triceps, pectorals, shoulders, lower back, and core.

Since you probably don’t have the time to research the best workout moves, try joining an online fitness community. Physeek, an online fitness community in India, allows its members to ask questions about their exercise needs. Plus, they can motivate you to reach your fitness goals.

2. Use Workout Equipment Around the House

If you work from home, you can probably wear ankle or wrist weights while you walk, sit on a yoga ball while you type, and walk on the treadmill while answering emails. You can also install a sitting bike under your chair, so you can at least get some cardio in while you’re sitting down.

If you don’t work from home, ask if you can bring these items to the office with you. If you can’t, use your yoga ball, treadmill, or weights when you’re enjoying another hobby, like watching TV. Or, you could schedule a video call session with a personal trainer instead of watching TV.

3. Schedule Non-Negotiable Workout Time

Look at your calendar and see if you can move things around. Then, schedule non-negotiable workout sessions throughout the week. Treat this time as you would an appointment or a meeting with your boss or coworkers. Otherwise, you may consider exercise as optional.

Track your progress you can even use a MET calculator to track how much calories you need to burn on your specific activity.

It will be difficult to commit to your workout appointment without a plan. Make sure you have a full-body exercise routine ready to go so you aren’t wasting your free time getting ready.

4. Try Running Instead of Driving or Walking

Unless your daily commute takes you on the highway, you can probably run to work. It’ll take some time for you to build up the leg strength to make it to work on time, but the benefits are well worth the struggle. If you have a gym next to your work, use it to shower and get changed.

If the thought of running to work terrifies you, find time elsewhere. If you have children, you can play sports with them or go for a brief jog when they’re in a class. If you typically run errands using your car, keep it at home and use your legs. Use a bike for bigger grocery trips.

5. Wake Up Early and Pack Your Gym Clothes

Pre-packing your gym clothes can save you a lot of time and cut back on excuses. If you already have your gym bag in your car or you change into your sweats after you wake up, you can’t say that you “forgot” your equipment. Plus, you save time before and after the gym.

If possible, try to wake up early and pre-pack a week’s worth of clothes. You can leave your clothes at the gym or office, whatever is more convenient. Wash them at the end of the week.

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