7 Proven Ways to Fall Asleep Quickly and Naturally

6 Min Read
Young beautiful woman sleeping on bed

Have you ever found yourself staring at the ceiling, trying to fall asleep even though you got to bed 30 minutes ago? If so, you’re definitely not alone.

Sleeplessness or the inability to fall asleep can surely be frustrating. Given the work-from-home culture, so many of us are currently following our sleep schedule has surely been pretty messy. Those who suffer from insomnia are constantly on the lookout for methods that can help them in falling asleep naturally. Let’s look into some simple ways in which you can make that happen for yourself. 

How to Fall Asleep as Fast as Possible?

While at times, it’s anxiety that keeps you up at night, the rest of the time, it could be the lack of proper sleep that triggers stress and anxiety in you. What do you do in such situations when you aren’t getting enough sleep? You need to improve your sleep hygiene.

If you want to explore some ways to fall asleep quickly and naturally, Sarah Wagner from our team here at Sweet Island Dreams has some tips for you. They are as follows: 

1.     Improve Your Diet

Including fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats in your diet is of utmost importance. Plan your meals in a manner such that your dinners aren’t too heavy, or else you will end up feeling stuffy and uncomfortable before your bedtime, preventing you from falling asleep quickly.

Keep the slightly fuller meals for breakfast and lunch, and don’t indulge in sugar before bedtime. Make sure to avoid caffeine and alcohol before going to bed. Caffeine stays in your system for up to 6 to 8 hours after being consumed, thereby disrupting your sleep cycle. 

2.     Exercise During the Day

Physical activities mend your sleep cycle in major ways. It is, however, crucial to know when to exercise. Schedule your workout either during the day or early afternoons to get the 8 hours of sleep your body needs.

3.     Avoid Irregular Naps

When you’re working from home, it can be extremely tempting to take a quick power nap. However, those 30 minutes can cost you at night. Naps throw off your internal clock and affect how long it takes for you to fall asleep. So, power through and get a good night’s sleep instead. 

4.     Form a Pre-Bedtime Ritual

A pre-bedtime ritual can be immensely therapeutic, and when followed regularly, it can help you fall asleep in a much quicker and natural manner. Having a soothing pre-bedtime routine helps you relax and puts your mind at ease. This ritual could include anything you like.

Not getting enough time to read? Do it before bed. Love journaling? Indulge in it before your bedtime. 

Stretching before bed is known to be good as well, and you can also listen to some soft music or do deep breathing exercises. 

5.     Include Some Screen-Free Time

We stare at screens pretty much all day long, scrolling through reels and videos and various types of content. Looking at social media for a prolonged period induces anxiety and depression in many, and if you’re staring at your screen before going to bed, you’re sure to not fall asleep soon. 

So, keep your phone away an hour or 30 minutes before sleeping because the blue light from our devices is a roadblock to peaceful sleep. Some screen-free time can do wonders for your deep sleep. 

6.     Try Aromatherapy and Meditation

Meditation boosts your melatonin levels and is a method to practice mindfulness. Get rid of your stress, anxiety, and residual worries by meditating before bed. You can also try aromatherapy, as the scent of relaxing essential oils can help you sleep naturally. Lavender, in particular, is popular as an effective essential oil. 

7.     Set the Ambience in Your Room

Not many might be aware of this, but the ambiance you surround yourself with, and the atmosphere in your bedroom can directly affect how quickly you fall asleep. Resort to darker lighting, heavy curtains, and a noiseless space. 

Investing in a pink noise machine could be a good idea. Pay attention to your bedding, too. Get some comfortable pillows for yourself along with a good mattress and comforter. When you feel cozy, your body will automatically relax.


Sleep is very intricately associated with our physical, mental, and emotional health. Lack of proper sleep not only makes you feel lethargic and exhausted but also affects your peace. Making minute yet effective changes to your day-to-day activities can aid hugely in helping you fall asleep quicker. Follow these tips and experience the sound sleep you deserve.

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Andrea Laura is a very creative writer and active contributor who love to share informative news or updates on various topics and brings great information to her readers. Being writing as her hobby, Andrea has come out with many interesting topics and information that attracts readers to unravel her write-up. Her content is featured on many mainstream sites & blogs.
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