Warning Signs of Long-Term UV Damage to Your Eyes

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Taking care of your eyes should be foremost among your health concerns but is, unfortunately, an aspect of our overall well-being that we tend to overlook or at the very least pay too little attention to.

Your eyes can suffer from many issues, and these will increase as you age and there are environmental factors that should be considered when it comes to staying safe from harmful damage to your vision.

When it comes to the possible issues your eyes will face, there are a number of mitigating factors to consider as well as symptoms you should look out for. There are also steps you can take in order to avoid any longer-term damage and to help you in this endeavor; we will discuss this below.

Below are some common aspects of vision-related issues and what you can do to manage each.

UV Damage

We hear a lot of the damage that UV rays can do to your skin, which is clearly an issue you should be aware of, but what is spoken of less is the harmful effects these can have on your eyes.

Long-term exposure to UV rays will more than likely lead to cataracts later in life as well as other degenerative concerns, but these can be mitigated by wearing a good pair of sunglasses that have the relevant UV protection. You can find a wealth of glasses online that will not only serve as perfect protection but can also be stylish and affordable.

Age (AMD)

As we age, our eyes will degenerate, and it’s something that though unavoidable, is something you can protect yourself from. AMD (age-related macular degeneration) typically starts to affect you after the age of 40, involves issues relating to the retina, and comes in wet and dry forms.

There are ways to prolong yourself from such problems, these range from improving your diet to include foods with higher levels of antioxidants to keeping track of your blood pressure. Those who smoke are also more likely to suffer, as do those who don’t exercise a great deal.


This is the leading vision loss issue worldwide and involves the clouding of the lens of your eye, which can lead to blindness. Cataracts can occur at any time but are more common the older you get. You can have these removed if there are issues in relation to this to do with insurance coverage and costs of the procedure. 

This can lead to people waiting to deal with the problem, which isn’t a good situation to find yourself in. Have regular eye checks and discuss with your physician accordingly.

Eye Strain Headaches

Of the issues to look out for on this list, this may be the least worrisome but is very common indeed. Eye strain headaches result from your eyes working too hard, which is usually due to an individual wearing glasses with out-of-date prescriptions or not wearing glasses at all. 

This can be something you ignore, thinking it’s just a part of life, but you shouldn’t do so, have regular eye exams, and make sure the strength of your glasses is correct for your vision. You may find that you are only a simple fix away from those nagging headaches that have been driving you crazy.


This catch-all term relates to damage around the eye’s optic nerve and can be very problematic. It can present in two different ways, one can be chronic that builds up over time, and another, less common, form can be sudden and very painful indeed.

Prescription eye drops can slow the progress of glaucoma, and regular exercise can help prevent you from suffering the eye pressure that can lead to it occurring in the first place. 

Dry Eyes

This is an issue that is becoming far more widespread, and many believe it’s due to the amount of time we spend in front of our screens and devices. The lack of liquidity is making our eyes drier, which can result in blurred vision, redness, and a burning sensation.

Watching anything intently for long periods can be a problem, and usually, that occurs when we are in front of a TV screen or maybe our work computers. The best way to defend against this is to give your eyes and mind regular breaks from the strains of always focusing on something with your eyes. It’s also good to keep screens at a decent distance from your eyes to prevent strains on your vision.

Diabetic Retinopathy

This vision issue tends to affect those with poor control of blood sugar mainly; therefore, those with diabetes are in particular danger. This can lead to blurred vision or spots or dark areas appearing in the center of your vision. 

You can negate these issues with laser surgery, but you need to keep the issues at bay, in general, to avoid the problem persisting.

There are countless other, less common, issues related to your eye health, and regardless of your symptoms, you should always discuss these concerns with a professional. Early diagnosis in almost all of these cases will increase the chances of a successful, long-term resolution. So don’t delay.

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This is Jennifer Warren, staff writer at GoodFirms – a review and research platform for top ecommerce development companies, blockchain development companies among many others. A bookworm at heart, I have successfully guest blogged for top sites such as Crazyegg, Semrush, Searchenginepeople, Sitepronews, Volusion.com, Socialnomics, jeffbullas, mediapost among others.
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