The Benefits Of Vaping Over Smoking Cigarettes

6 Min Read

We all know that smoking is dangerous—both to oneself and to others. Its effects vary from person to person, depending on smoking frequency, comorbidities, and general health. Still, smoking is a leading cause of death, killing almost eight million people a year. As a result, many smokers have switched over to vaping, which offers many advantages. Beyond being less of a risk to your health, there’s also a cheaper price tag with vaping, no second-hand smoke, and a more customizable experience.

What Is Vaping?

Vaping refers to the use of an electronic device that heats a liquid, gel, oil, or herb. The heat transforms the substance into aerosol or vapor, which the user inhales.

It’s become a common alternative to consuming tobacco or Cannabis in recent years. Many people use vaping as a way to quit smoking eventually.

Benefits Of Vaping

Here are some benefits of vaping over smoking cigarettes that users can expect when transitioning:

Vaping Does Less Damage To Your Health Than Smoking

Vaping isn’t harmless, but it does less damage to your health than smoking and poses less harmful side effects. Smoking releases around 6,000 chemicals into the body, a lot of which are toxic and cancerous. Vape material contains fewer chemicals (making it less toxic than smoking) which don’t remain in the body, like tar does in your lungs with tobacco. Additionally, vaping is better for the throat since it doesn’t involve inhaling smoke, decreasing the risk for long term issues like throat cancer.

Many people who have transitioned from smoking to vaping have lower blood pressure, and a better sense of taste and smell within a month of making the change. Studies have also shown that vaping is more effective in helping people to stop smoking when compared to replacement therapy, nicotine-free alternatives, and going cold turkey.

Vaping Is Cheaper Than Smoking

It might seem like smoking is the cheaper option. But the longevity attached to well-made vaporizers makes them the more economical choice. You only have to spend a lot at the start, buying your devices and accessories—which can be cheap, depending on the brand and type of vape you buy. But after that, your regular costs will primarily be on the consumables you use. As these substances are used up less quickly then when smoking, you get out of each purchase.

Second-Hand Vapor Is Less Harmful Than Second-Hand Smoke

Smoking doesn’t just harm smokers—it also affects the people around them. Second-hand smoke (inhaled by people in the vicinity of a person smoking) carries the same risks as first-hand smoking. It can cause respiratory issues, throat infections, asthma, and other ailments.

Although second-hand vapor generally follows the same concept, it isn’t as harmful because vapor doesn’t contain the same amount of toxins and carcinogens as smoke.

Vapor Doesn’t Linger Like Smoke

Vapor evaporates much quicker than smoke. It breaks down in just a few seconds, unlike smoke that can linger in the air for over thirty minutes, especially in poorly ventilated rooms. As vapor doesn’t linger, there’s no smell when vaping; the odor doesn’t stick to hair, cloth, or other materials in a room. Plus, it reduces the risk of second-hand vapor, especially if you’re vaping outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.

Vaping Offers A More Customizable Experience Than Smoking

Sure, you can choose the brand and type of consumable you want when smoking. But the flavors are limited, and the experience is one-dimensional. Vaping is customizable right from when you buy your first vaping device. There are many options to choose from: color, size, weight, design, ease of use, method of vaporizing, and even digital or smart capabilities (you can control some vapes with your phone!). Additionally, you get to choose the flavor, kind, potency, and amount of consumable to use, which you can change all the time.

If you want to get the best experience, then you should look into using a Vape Starter Kit. You will have an easier time getting started with vaping if you check it out. 


Vaping and smoking both have their cons. But when pitted against each other, vaping wins by a mile. It wins by being more beneficial to one’s health, wallet, and surroundings. It’s an excellent alternative for people who want to stop smoking, whether to wean themselves off smoking gradually or as an immediate replacement. That said, vaping is also a culture and experience in itself—one that all kinds of people can enjoy.

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