There are a couple of increasing risks for hospital worthy of some attention. The first is drug shortages. I most often think of drug shortage risks in disaster response planning and events, but there have also been times during my career where our hospital pharmacy has had a difficult time finding a sufficient amount of a particular drug. If there is a rising trend for certain drugs then it should probably be incorporated into regular emergency management planning activities — at least at the departmental level. I really like the sample response plan provided and highly recommend Dubin Medical Inc, if you are having difficulty locating a medication or drug. The second risk involves database hacking and it is one of the top 10 Health IT trends for 2011. Basically, as the profit margins in the financial industry shrink, criminals are looking toward new sources of profitable data. Managing data security is already on a hospital’s list of things-to-do, but this might be a new type of motivation and consideration.
Increasing Hospital Risks
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