Addressing Addiction In Primary Care
Addiction medicine is often considered a specialist concerned, relegated to therapists and…
Does Integrative Medicine Have A Place In Conventional Care?
Many conventional doctors are hesitant to embrace integrative medicine as part of…
Greening The Hospital: Eco-Friendly Solutions With Cost Advantages
Hospitals have a fundamental obligation: to create a safe environment for…
Transition Planning: Are Your Patients Ready To Go Home?
Hospitalized patients are generally eager to go home – to sleep…
Minimizing Nursing Injuries: A Policy-Based Approach
If you ask people what they think is the most dangerous…
5 Tips for Reducing Medical Malpractice Exposure
As a hospital administrator, few things are scarier than the thought…
Ethical Promotion Of Complementary Medicine: A Guide For Doctors
Complementary medicine includes a range of popular practices, from herbal supplements…
Are We Failing Female Patients?
As doctors, we are committed to providing quality, equitable care to all…
The Outreach Mindset: How Doing Crisis Care Improves Medical Practice
TV medical dramas may not be the most accurate representation of…
7 Types of Information Patients Need to Feel Comfortable
As a healthcare provider, it’s your responsibility not just to provide…