Tag: genomics

Data War Reaches The Supreme Court

About 9 months ago – the DNA Spit Kit from 23andMe was $299.…

Dan Munro

Genomics at Your Fingertips: DNA Sequencing in the Primary Care Office

Personalized medicine is on the horizon. Social media, wireless devices, mobile smartphones…

Kevin Campbell

On “Empowering Patients in the Age of Genomic Medicine”

The concept of the citizen scientist is new to healthcare, since medicine…

Patti Doherty

A New, Improved Genetic Code? You Betcha!

What if I told you that in the not-too-distant future, scientists could…

Dov Michaeli

Your Genes Need Not Be Your Fate: Nutrigenomics To The Rescue

Are you concerned about a family history of heart disease? Or cancer?…


The DNA Doctor Consultation Of the Future

Is this the way of future consults?  DNA information is certainly helpful…


Genomics: A Transformational Megatrend

Genomics promises to fundamentally change much of medical care as described in…


Genomics – a Revolution in Medicine – Part 2

In the previous post I discussed the field of pharmacogenomics. Today I…


Consumer Genomic Testing Challenges Physicians to Stay Within the Guidelines

Practice guidelines help physicians and other health care providers deliver consistent and…

Caroline Popper

Genomics– a Revolution in Medicine – Part I

My last post was about the coming medical megatrends that will have…
