Tag: wound closure

Technology Migration in Global Wound Closure Markets

Drawn from our recent report on the global market for wound closure…

PatrickDriscoll PatrickDriscoll

Surgical Sealants and Glues in Wound Closure

Wound closure is a critical element of the overall wound management process.…

PatrickDriscoll PatrickDriscoll

Effective Technologies for Wound Hemostasis, Sealing and Closure

See the pending 2014 Report #S192, “Worldwide Surgical Sealants, Glues, Wound Closure…

PatrickDriscoll PatrickDriscoll

Sealants, Glues, Hemostats, Anti-Adhesion: An Evolved Market

In a forthcoming report on advanced technologies associated with the acute phase…

PatrickDriscoll PatrickDriscoll

Sales of Sealants, Hemostasis, Other Closure a Large, Shifting Market Worldwide

Products that provide hemostasis, closure, sealing and anti-adhesion of wounds comprised long…

PatrickDriscoll PatrickDriscoll

Advanced Wound Closure and Securement Products: Clinical Utility Comparisons

Products for the advanced securement of wounds — stopping bleeding, sealing the…

PatrickDriscoll PatrickDriscoll

Advanced Wound Closure’s New Players

The global market for products in “wound securement,” or the aggregate of…

PatrickDriscoll PatrickDriscoll

Wound Closure Market Shifts From Traditional to Advance Products

As the practice and the market for surgical sealants, glues, wound closure…

PatrickDriscoll PatrickDriscoll

Surgical Sealants, Glues, Sutures/Clips, Hemostats Outside the U.S.

The world market for the securement products, encompassing wound closure/sealing, hemostasis and…

PatrickDriscoll PatrickDriscoll

Latin America: Markets in Advanced Wound Closure

In the Americas, the U.S. dominates all medtech markets, but as manufacturers…

PatrickDriscoll PatrickDriscoll