
191 Articles

Does Your Hospital Stay in Touch with Patients All the Time?

According to a recent study, patients want their doctors to reach out…

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EMRs and EHRs: What’s the Difference?

There’s plenty of information about how electronic medical records (EMRs) and electronic…

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LifeLongHealth.com – A Health-Oriented Social Network for Baby Boomers

Who said social networking is just a communication tool used by generations…

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Ustream: New Perspective on Viewing a Medical Procedure

Until recently, when you looked for information on a particular operation or…

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Intensive Care Gets Safer With the Help of Tablets

As most of us know the intensive care unit (ICU) is critically…

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Are Your Hospital’s Physicians’ Using “Doctor-Only” Social Networks?

Did you know that one of the leading causes of death in…

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Why Every Hospital Physician Should Have a Nexus 7 Google Tablet

When you think of a doctor using a smartphone or tablet in…

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Wanted: Electronic Health Records

As technology races forward in today’s fast-paced world, more physicians are interested…

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Health Records for Your Kids Now in the Palm of Your Hand

By the time a child becomes an adult, he or she will…

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Are You Optimizing Your Website and Search Strategies for Tablets?

When optimizing your hospital’s online presence, you no longer can simply focus…

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