Tag: public health

Obesity – A Disease?

Researchers now recognize that obesity does not simply result from willful overeating…

PatrickDriscoll PatrickDriscoll

The Elephant in the Room: Discussing Obesity with the Doctor

From the Wall Street Journal (Doctors Should Discuss Obesity With Patients): Patients…

DavidEWilliams DavidEWilliams

Do We Have It All Wrong About Obesity?

Do obese people generate costs for other people? Mainly not, according to…

JohnCGoodman JohnCGoodman

Alcohol Consumption at Sporting Events

Among fans who attend live sporting events, drinking alcohol is nearly as…

GlennLaffel GlennLaffel

Screen-Based Entertainment and Cardiovascular Risk

Scientists have confirmed that regular physical activity is associated with a lower…

GlennLaffel GlennLaffel

Obesity Counseling: Is Race a Factor?

Most people know that the US is struggling to contain a surging…

GlennLaffel GlennLaffel

Remote Area Medical Holds Free Clinic in Nashville-1000 or More Patients Expected

Remote Area Medical is making it’s first visit to Nashville. We still…

BarbaraDuck BarbaraDuck

An Oxygen Tax

The UK explored selling or leasing forest land to private interests, but…

JasonShafrin JasonShafrin

Will the U.S. Lead on Global Health? Start with Vaccination.

USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah gave a speech yesterday at the National Institutes…

Amanda Glassman Amanda Glassman

Bioterrorism: Pentagon Goes Back to the Drawing Board

The horrifying events of September 11, 2001 and the subsequent weaponized anthrax…

GlennLaffel GlennLaffel