Abby Norman

My name is Abby Norman and I am a healthcare blogger. With over 10 years of experience in the medical field, I have developed a passion for helping others understand the complexities of healthcare.
219 Articles

Are ACOs Just HMOs in Disguise?

When we talk about Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) , a lot of…

Abby Norman Abby Norman

Understanding the Revenue Cycle

Understanding the revenue cycle can be tricky for many of us who…

Abby Norman Abby Norman

How Much Are Your Denied Claims Costing You? 4 Tips for Reducing Claim Denials

If you have a higher percentage of health insurance claim denials in…

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You Can’t Always Get What You Want: The 3 Cs of Negotiation

Can Your Leaders Negotiate? In a healthcare setting, perhaps nothing is more valuable…

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ACO Is Not One Size Fits All

A common misconception about ACO conversion is that there is a single…

Abby Norman Abby Norman

Studies Show ACOs Are Succeeding in 2014

Accountable Care Organizations are cropping up nationwide.With over 10 million patients covered…

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Top 10 ICD-10 Codes You Won’t Believe Are Real

ICD-10: Coming to a Hospital Near You (eventually).The hassle of adopting ICD-10…

Abby Norman Abby Norman

Big Data Could Bring Your Credit Card History to Your Doctor

Your Doctor Knows You’re Buying CigarettesImagine if your doctor could see your…

Abby Norman Abby Norman

Should Hospitals Design with Patients in Mind?

Build It – And They Will Come? Maybe Not. It’s no secret to…

Abby Norman Abby Norman

Why the U.S. Healthcare System Ranks Worst in the Developed World

   The U.S.’s expenditures are higher than any other developed nation’s when…

Abby Norman Abby Norman