Kayla Matthews

Kayla Matthews is a researcher, writer and blogger covering topics related to technology, smart gadgets, the future of work and personal productivity. She is the owner and editor of ProductivityTheory.com and ProductivityBytes.com.
10 Articles

How Conversational AI is Making Healthcare More Patient-Centric

Conversational AI is a gamechanger for the healthcare sector, so providers will…

Kayla Matthews Kayla Matthews

4 Dental Health Mistakes You Should Avoid

Poor dental health can cause tooth cavities and decay, increasing the risk…

Kayla Matthews Kayla Matthews

The Future of Medicine eCommerce: Revolutionizing Healthcare

Ecommerce is revolutionizing the healthcare sector and helping more people live healthier…

Kayla Matthews Kayla Matthews

Building Telemedicine System: Features and Tips

Discover how to build a successful telemedicine system. Find out the features…

Kayla Matthews Kayla Matthews

Eat to Conceive – A Nutritional Guide to Improve Fertility

Nutrition is an important factor in improving fertility. Learn which fertility-boosting foods…

Kayla Matthews Kayla Matthews

Why Should You Try Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)?

Discover the amazing benefits of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)! Learn why this…

Kayla Matthews Kayla Matthews

Do LifeWave’s X39 Stem Cell Patches Really Work?

Discover the truth about LifeWave's X39 Stem Cell Patches! Learn from real…

Kayla Matthews Kayla Matthews

These Are the 10 Riskiest Jobs for Your Lungs

Is your job damaging the health of your lungs? Take a look…

Kayla Matthews Kayla Matthews

Balancing Smart Data With Cybersecurity for Hospitals

It should come as no surprise that your discussions and interactions with…

Kayla Matthews Kayla Matthews

Health App: The iPhone Can Take Your Temperature

The average person's temperature is about 98 degrees Fahrenheit or 37 degrees…

Kayla Matthews Kayla Matthews