joan justice

209 Articles

Person-Centered HealthCare: Reaching Out to Engage Patients

As you probably know by now, I am all for technology, mobile…

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mHealth Wish List

Mobile Technology, miniaturization and remote diagnostics have driven creative minds in healthcare…

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Social Networking Analysis Shows Promise for mHealth – video interview

Editor's note: This video interview is actually a continuation of our Mobile…

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End-of-Life Decisions

Don't wait to make end-of-life decisions. This is a touchy topic and one…

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Mobile Health Around the Globe: eMocha Delivers Knowledge at the Point of Care

eMocha (electronic Mobile Open-source Comprehensive Health Application) is an open-source mHealth application…

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High Quality, Low Cost HealthCare Video Interview Series: Lawrence Cheskin, MD, FACP Talks About TRIMM

Previously, we spoke with Herbert Ong who told us how Healthentic can…

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Mobile Health Around the Globe: Health eVillages Helps Improve Quality of Care in Haiti

Health eVillages is a program of Physicians Interactive and the Robert F.…

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HealthCare Pricing Visibility Through Social Media

Pricing visibility in healthcare is just gaining traction.  With the prevalence of…

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