Botox has become one of the most common non-invasive treatment methods for wrinkles as well as other bodily concerns. After all, wrinkles happen to all of us eventually. But like all popular treatments, it makes sense to be sure of what it does to you in both the long and short term. We took the opportunity to discuss Botox with the experts at Yaletown Laser Centre to get more information on this treatment. What is it? To begin with, let’s take a look at what Botox is exactly. It is a solution that is made from a neurotoxin taken from the bacteria best-known for being the cause of botulism. That said, Botox is not botulism. Used by experts, Botox has been proven to be safe, effective, and valuable. This is why you must never go to a pop-up shop for Botox that might try to lure you in with a discount. You need to stick with professionals who have the knowledge and experience to use Botox effectively. The Injections Botox is injected into the muscles that cause wrinkles. The muscles in your face that are causing the most amount of strain will find relief with Botox as it temporary blocks the nerve transmission to the muscle, relaxing it. This is also why Botox is used as a treatment spastic cerebral palsy. It prevents the muscle from moving, relaxing it. In wrinkles, this will soften your skin and prevent new wrinkles from appearing. The amount of injections that you need and the locations is a case-by-case decision. Localized The concern for some is how does Botox not travel anywhere along your nerves? Well, Botox cannot roam through the body. It does not have a systemic effect. It can only travel up to 3 cm from where it was injected. That means when you receive an injection in your face, you will not feel it elsewhere in your body. Additionally, the amount of Botox that is used in plastic surgery is significantly lower than the quantity required to harm your system. No Numbness Even though you are paralyzing small muscles in your face, you will not experience any numbness. This is because there are two types of nerves in the body. There are the nerves that create sensation or feeling and there are other nerves that control your motion. Botox only has the ability to block the motion type, not the type of nerves that cause sensation. Bruising Anytime you get an injection of any sort, you can expect to experience bruising or swelling at the injection site. This is more a reaction of your skin and muscle experiencing an injection rather than the Botox itself. Bruising and swelling should be minor and will dissipate in a matter of a few days at the most. At the hands of an expert, however, any bruising is going to be minimal if it is there at all. Good technique reduces the risk. What you do after an injection can also make a difference. It is important to not rub the area to ensure the Botox stays put and does its job. Wrinkles The biggest and most important thing that Botox is going to do to your body is eliminate the wrinkles. You should be able to see improvement in your skin within the first three to seven days. As the targeted muscle begins to let go of its tension, the skin will relax. Your skin will begin to look more youthful and calmer as the muscles continue to let go. As an added bonus, Botox can also have a prophylactic effect. If muscles are inactivated before they can pull other skin, you can stop wrinkles before they have happened. Future wrinkles will be stopped before they have a chance to grace your skin. And, finally, fine lines can be stopped before they deepen into wrinkles, keeping your face as smooth as possible.
Here’s Exactly What Happens to Your Body When You Get Botox

Ryan Kh is an experienced blogger, digital content & social marketer. Founder of Catalyst For Business and contributor to search giants like Yahoo Finance, MSN. He is passionate about covering topics like big data, business intelligence, startups & entrepreneurship. Email: