Michael Kirsch

162 Articles

Is Gastric Bypass the Right Choice?

Bariatric surgery, including gastric bypass surgery, has become a popular remedy for…

Michael Kirsch Michael Kirsch

A New Kind of Stress Test

Readers of this blog, and those with whom I have shared my…

Michael Kirsch Michael Kirsch

Measles Vaccine: A Right to Refuse Treatment

It’s been amusing to watch Rand Paul, a doctor, trying to ‘clarify’…

Michael Kirsch Michael Kirsch

Medicine Is an Art and Science

Medicine is an art, not a science. We’ve all heard that maxim…

Michael Kirsch Michael Kirsch

What’s the Cause of Chronic Abdominal Pain?

I see patients with abdominal pain every day. Over my career, I’ve…

Michael Kirsch Michael Kirsch

Should Your Doctor Consider Medical Costs?

This blog is devoted to an examination of medical quality. Cost-effectiveness is…

Michael Kirsch Michael Kirsch

High Drama in an Ambulatory Surgery Center

A few days before I wrote this, a patient had a complication…

Michael Kirsch Michael Kirsch

Ebola Hysteria in Ohio

The Ebola hysteria continues. True, we might have a greater chance of…

Michael Kirsch Michael Kirsch

Governors Mandate Ebola Quarantine

Who says that bipartisanship is dead? Just recently, Governors Cuomo and Christie…

Michael Kirsch Michael Kirsch

Is Hepatitis C Treatment Cost-Effective?

One catch phrase in health care reform is cost-effectiveness.  To paraphrase, this…

Michael Kirsch Michael Kirsch