Tag: ePatient

Did You Wash Your Hands?

I don’t remember the exact day I met Marsha.  I felt as…

Regina Holliday Regina Holliday


Tuesday September 20, 2011 I met Ben Miller at the annual AHRQ…

Regina Holliday Regina Holliday

How Good a Doctor Are You?

Getting a medical degree is not easy: It requires 10 years of…

JohnCGoodman JohnCGoodman

The Future of Healthcare: Part I, How the Empowered Patient Can Fix a Broken System

Dr. Cindy Haines has made it her mission to help patients navigate…

HerinaAyot HerinaAyot

Imagine a World Where mHealth, Telemedicine and EMRs Integrated Seamlessly

             With the close of the American Telemedicine Association’s 2012 Conference and…

Principle Healthcare Principle Healthcare

Innovative uses of Health 2.0 and Social Media

   Imagine a ‘Wiki” to empower patientsSeveral Health Wiki’s are already online.WikiPublicHealth …

Gary Levin MD Gary Levin MD

Making Patient Experience a Priority – Infographic

A strong patient relationship is the medicine for what ails healthcare. A…

thielst thielst

Online Patient Communities Garner Interest at Social Media Week, Toronto

I was honoured to represent the healthcare sector at Social Media Week…

Colleen Young Colleen Young

Interview with Paul Wicks, PatientsLikeMe, Keynote Speaker at Doctors 2.0 & You Conference

I look forward to PatientsLikeMe participation at the Doctors 2.0 & You…

DeniseSilber DeniseSilber

Why Patients Need to Become Experts !

I saw a very interesting patient today. She’d been referred to me…

malpani malpani