Why Dental Offices Need a Custom Mobile Application?
Mobile applications for dental offices A mobile application is the best option…
Why Health Care Needs To Be a Big Part of Your Retirement Planning
In case you haven?t noticed, health care is expensive. According to…
Reduce Your Out-Of-Pocket Healthcare Costs
Before the major healthcare changes of the Obama administration, there was one…
MACRA and the Medicare Payment Reform Juggernaut
MACRA – More Changes Coming to Healthcare DeliveryThe passage of the Medicare Access…
Hospital Marketing: Medicare Payments Collide with Delivery System Reform
It would be difficult for the general public to miss the daily…
Should Medicare negotiate drug prices? Probably not
A popular idea, but not a good one. A popular idea, but…
Future Outlook: Medicare Advantage Plans & Risk Adjustment
All aspects of health care delivery and financing are undergoing change at…
In Medicare Advantage, providers are becoming payers
Payer, provider or PayVider? Payer, provider or PayVider?Accountable Care Organizations enable providers…
Self-Pay Rising Faster Than Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic Space Program
Self-pay responsibility for health care is rising and is now the third…
Healthcare at the GOP debate
Look at my healthcare policy! Look at my healthcare policy!I didn’t watch…