Lonnie Hirsch

81 Articles

The Compelling Case for Doctors to Warmly Embrace Social Media

Most doctors recognize that healthcare’s “starting line” moved some time ago.The typical…

Lonnie Hirsch

Price Transparency: The Devil is in the Detail for Hospitals

Let’s say an informed patient determined that the cost for “arteriography and…

Lonnie Hirsch

BayCare Health: Delivering a Consumer-Driven Brand Experience [PODCAST]

Stewart Schaffer, CMO BayCare Health Stewart Schaffer, CMO BayCare Health Stewart Schaffer, Chief…

Lonnie Hirsch

Flu Shots Are a Marketing Opportunity (But Competition Is Tough for Doctors)

Perhaps the idea of promoting “flu shots” isn’t particularly “glamorous” in healthcare…

Lonnie Hirsch

Extending the Primary Care Connection Through Mobile Experiences

Jamey ShielsAurora Healthcare Jamey ShielsAurora Healthcare Jamey Shiels, Senior Director eBusiness for Aurora…

Lonnie Hirsch

Social-Business Intranet Empowers and Engages Geisinger Health Employees

Marcy Marshall Geisinger HealthWhat do you do about internal communications when health…

Lonnie Hirsch

How Hospitals Can Leverage the Rise of Google Plus [PODCAST]

Tom Jensen, Mercy Health System Tom Jensen, Mercy Health System Lonnie Hirsch, Co-Founder…

Lonnie Hirsch

7 Healthcare Marketing Stumbles and Blunders

Physicians, as a rule, tend to be risk adverse. The science base…

Lonnie Hirsch

Overcoming Clinical Trial Marketing Challenges: Patient Recruitment and Retention

Sadly, clinical trial studies are often stalled before they begin.One of the…

Lonnie Hirsch

Doctor Entrepreneur: What Patient-Customers Want Is Good Business

Doctors and patients have adopted new roles for themselves in the healthcare delivery…

Lonnie Hirsch